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University of Waterloo

Ranked by Maclean's Magazine as the #1 University in Canada. Major Faculty is Engineering. Located in the City of Waterloo, Ontario.

University of Waterloo just up the Street from Wilfrid Laurier High School

by _Ron_ June 20, 2005

536๐Ÿ‘ 721๐Ÿ‘Ž

Waterloo, Ontario

A bustling, expanding town in south-western Ontario known for the Blackberry and two Universities, the University of Waterloo and Wilfred Laurier University as well as Conestoga College. There are plenty of things to do, like go clubbing or paint-balling with friends. It is common to see large groups of university students around Waterloo. There are activities and events for everything and everyone in Waterloo! Don't miss out on Oktoberfest!

Hey dude, how was last night?
Fantastic! I was chilling with my friends in Waterloo, Ontario. We stopped for pizza and then we went paint-balling!
Did you win?
Yeah, but I've got bruises the size of goose eggs dude.

by ShastaX June 22, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

University of Waterloo

The university of choice for a Canadian degree in Mathematics, Engineering or a Double Honors Degree. Entering average >90% (exceeds 90% for those that attend U of T and cannot understand mathematical symbols). Students who attend the University of Waterloo will graduate with a degree, knowledge and a career. U of T graduates graduate because their daddy bought them the degree. Go to the University of Waterloo if you want to be someone's boss, not a U of T clerk. Even the Warriors football team is better than U of T's.

"I got into the U of T but was not accepted into the University of Waterloo."

U of T student to U of W student: "Transcendentals? I made out with one accidentally at the bar once, I was wasted."

by Zeno's Paradox's October 27, 2009

356๐Ÿ‘ 579๐Ÿ‘Ž

Waterloo Ontario

A shit town in south-western Ontario known for the Blackberry and two University's. There is nothing to do there except smoke weed and drink, which consist of 90% of university and high school students days. Non University party are usually hard to find and suck balls or get busted by the Waterloo piggies who have nothing better to do.

We have decent weed and it isn't hard to find.
Thats about it.

Its a friday night in waterloo ontario what we gonna do brah
Smoke weed

by Chronchron August 24, 2010

30๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

Waterloo Sunset

water loo sunset

When one drops a loaf and flushes it away but it hides around the corner. Over the course of the next few minutes the log gives the clean water an orange hue ready to greet the next user.

Hey man, I don't think your dump from earlier made it all the way off the premises. I just went for a piss and was greeted by a nice Waterloo Sunset.

by Nonameo October 22, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

University of Waterloo

A great University if ur in Engineering, Accounting, Math, and Science(Optometry) other then that if ur there ur wasting ur time because it isn't as easy as Ryerson or Xavier etc. and it ranks as one of the toughest universities as it has some of the smartest people in Canada the Engineering and Accounting Faculty's Avg. student has above 90% AVG, most of the people hate it cuz they go there and expect to slack off and receive good marks, but it doesn't work that way, Work hard and get ur reward.

1. Me: I am going to UW
2. Stranger: You mean University of Waterloo? its one of the best in Canada man, Good luck!

by The BiZ LeGenD August 22, 2005

284๐Ÿ‘ 554๐Ÿ‘Ž

Waterloo Indiana

Town where people do little of anything. Its nothing special and nothing fun goes on here. The summer is too hot and the winter is too cold. Not many people visit Waterloo.

That tiny town is so boring its like Waterloo Indiana.

by Lil Sons December 6, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž