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Sex wheeze

Having amazing, mind blowing sex that you can't catch your breath and wheezing begins due to the lack of oxygen.

"Our sexy time was so awesome that I have a sex wheeze going on"

by Nanitze May 13, 2014

wheezing the juice

sticking your head under a soda fountain machine and drinking from it

Bubba liked Mountain Dew so much he got caught wheezing the juice at the 7 eleven and was kicked out of the store!

by JDoggggggggggggg October 12, 2006

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Dream wheeze

When dream wheezes. It sounds like a tea kettle.

I just laughed so hard, I dream wheezed

by Hi I'm a dream fan January 21, 2021

wheezed the juice

sticking your head under a soda fountain and drinking from it.

"Hey, that guy just wheezed the juice in that gas station."

by Lany loo December 24, 2008

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a wheeze and a gasp

When you laugh so much that you are left on the floor practically wheezing and gasping.

Millarhews began wheezing and gasping at unprecedented levels

OJR- "Is that a wheeze and a gasp I hear?"

PJM - "unfortunately yes"

by millarhews March 14, 2020

Winter Wheeze

The rattling, watery sound your lungs make the first time you do something athletic in the Spring.

The run wasn't that hard, once I got past my winter wheeze.

by dextrocardia March 8, 2007

Wuhan Wheeze

Another name for "The coof", The "Shanghai Shingles" or formally known as COVID-19.

Billy thought it was all a scamdemic until he caught the Wuhan Wheeze.

by Sir Derp of herppington October 2, 2020

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