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White People

A term used to describe the root cause for every single issue that has ever been seen on planet earth

Ron: ''Oh crap, my wife caught me having sexual intercourse with our daughter.''

Bob: ''Oh, really? Why did you have sexual intercourse with your own daughter?''

Ron: ''Those damn white people''

Bob: ''What did they do?''

Ron: ''They are all racist and sexist!''

Bob: ''Yeah, fuck white people''

by mortenkjensen March 20, 2021

40πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

White People

White people, the most generic people you will meet in all ways. Kids are allowed to yell and hit their parents and where no name brand shoes like Sketchers, New Balnce etc. White People also have no spicy-nessThey where the same clothes over and over again and have no taste to any food.

You dress like White People

This food taste like Bob Smith made it

(white name)

by Underthewonder March 17, 2019

58πŸ‘ 119πŸ‘Ž

White People

Favorite words: Attorney, Custody, Police/Law enforcement and Therapy

*Boy drops a pencil*
White People: β€œYou need major therapy”

*Gets in an argument in Starbucks*
White People: β€œThat’s it, I’m calling my lawyer.”

by HAIRYPOTHEAD July 3, 2022

7πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

White People

A person that most Hispanics and African Americans like to make feel bad for being the color they are. Mostly known as racists. (if you think all white people are racists that's reverse racism so you are actually the fucking racist. ) We are all people so why the fuck even search this? we are all people and we are all going to die so get the fuck over what color people are. unless its Trump. cuz fuck trump.

White People
Hispanic speaking Spanish and staring at white person: "look at that racist ass white person"
white person walking down the street trying not to feel weird for being watched: doesn't say anything and stares at the road

Hispanic #2: stares at white person

by Smoke_Weed_420 October 13, 2019

26πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

White People

One of the most racist races. Lice spawn points. Mayo monkeys. Yeast beasts. Parmesan parasites. Walking dandruff. Sunscreen slurpers. The folk who want to keep an semi automatic rifle in their house for β€œ protection purposes”. The ones who say BLM is just riots and pointless

Devon: DUDE!! I HATE white people so much!! A group of them just made monkey noises at me and told me to go back to Africa.

Matthew: Hey dude you can’t say you hate white people that’s racism.

Devon: Stfu you guys created racism.

by my definitions are accurate November 15, 2022

10πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

White People

People with motion activated trash cans.

Have you met Shane? His family is full of white people and went straight from owning people to lazy trash cans.

by Spicyweiner77 June 10, 2018

17πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

White People

People that have a lighter skin color than, for example, black people.

Oh look! That guy's skin color is lighter than mine, a black man! He's white!
That is how I define white people

by SkinnyPenis22 December 27, 2017

20πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž