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Pulling a Wilson :phrase:

*when someone gains excitement and adrenaline from causing unnecessary chaos in another person’s life; usually by means of manipulation and exploitation*

“She Pulled a Wilson and nobody saw it coming.”
Tread lightly around that one, they’re known for Pulling a Wilson whenever possible.”

by Delicious_Mistress October 13, 2023


The name of a guy who loves Samantha. Even though she doesnt like him as much as he likes her.

Wilson: I miss her so much...
Friend: Its ok dude she might change her mind.

Wilson: I really dont think she will :(

by Ellis Wilson April 14, 2011

20👍 28👎


The Act of slapping an object, Preferably a drink or other food object out of the others hand, and onto the floor,

dude, you totally wilson'ed that drink from tom

by wazntme August 29, 2013

11👍 15👎


Wilson, a name given to genius humane or even non-humane life. "Wilson" is genius in many ways, all the way from academics to "night jobs" like *sucking* and such.

Guy: Hey, do you see that guy over there.
Girl: Yeah, hes definitely a Wilson

by Mysterious Incognito June 6, 2015

4👍 4👎


Noun; a wilson
verb; to wilson

A story told in which the events that supposedly transpire are too outrageous, coincidental, and obviously fictional to be true. Additionally, the storyteller may reference an unreachable friend or undisclosed search engine as a witness or justification in order to establish credibility where there is none.

A.K.A When your buddy tries to one-up your story with some bullishit story.

Notes: commonly ends with google or friend reference

can be used as a noun and verb

e.g. "Check it on google." or "Ask my friend you don't know from back home."

Guy 1: Yeah so me and my friends went skydiving this weekend.

Guy 2: Oh that's cool! Me and my buddy went yesterday with Pamela Anderson. My dad knows her through the music business.

Guy 1: Dude, shut up. I call Wilson on that!

Guy 2: I swear to god! Look it up!

by Alistair Wrigglesworth Ph. D December 7, 2011

9👍 13👎


A man or woman who goes out of his or her way to be a complete asshole. They often possess great amounts of rhythm. They make amazing drummers and fantastic dancers, although this can be their only favorable quality. Often brings down the party with his or her sadness; also "rains on your parade." Is a master of Pokemon.

see douche.

Don't be a little bitch with your chitchat; just show me where your Wilson's at.

That guy pisses me off so much!
I know! He's a total Wilson!

by Dragonmaster Lance November 27, 2010

13👍 22👎


A sad boy that gets personal pleasure from fucking computers. Some say his head is so large that it has its own gravitational field, and lesser beings have been known to orbit the fleshy maraca. He has a 3 legged cat with no fur called tigger, it's dead now but still really funny. His sister is also a proper silf, bang tidy. His dreams involve sucking off Rou Reynolds and having non-consensual sex with kiddies.

1. Shit my computers broken!!!

Wilson, get your fucking dick out the hard drive!

by avenjarrrr November 26, 2010

17👍 33👎