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thousand wiper

A real clean up job of your butthole after a shit. You're burning through toilet paper wiping your ass forever.

Dude, that shit came out sideways. It was a real thousand wiper.

by RickO March 26, 2003

16πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Creamy wiper

A shit that comes out with the consistency of a melting chocolate. It requires excessive wiping of the asshole, taint and butt crack region. If not cleaned properly it leaves a lingering shit odor to the ass and genitalia.

β€œAmy, you might not want to go down on me. I just had a creamy wiper.”

β€œThat dude is always itching his ass. Bet he had a creamy wiper.”

by Shitsmanship September 3, 2021

No Wiper

There’s no such thing as a no wiper because you have to wipe to know if it’s a no wiper.

Guy 1: Oh bro I just took a massive shit and it was a no wiper.

Guy 2: How do you know it was a no wiper?
Guy 1: I wiped and there was nothing on the toilet paper.
Guy 2: so you wiped.
Guy 1: oh...true

Guy 2: exactly, no such thing as a no wiper.

by TheRussianHammer November 28, 2017

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Wiper Beat

When the windshield wipers on your car sync up with the music on your car radio.

Oh snap! Check out the wiper beat! That song is way sicker with that hotness!

by ShangstaGangsta August 31, 2009

7199πŸ‘ 1512πŸ‘Ž

Tudy Wipers

The soft succulent lips of a woman’s vagina

Damn baby girl you got a nice set of tudy wipers!

by Splash master 3 getter March 22, 2019

16πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

50 wiper

any bowel movement where 50 wipes are required

"Gavin had to use an entire roll of toilet paper after doing a 50 wiper"

"Fred's ass was red raw after that 50 wiper"

by reuben teuge February 24, 2010

82πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

wiper grenade

a wad of used toilet paper left in the toilet by some hobo.

i had to do a four stage hoborinse because someone left me a wiper grenade

by woobonova March 26, 2010