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angel wiseman

the act of being extremely popular and loved by everyone, and yet when lastname is spoken of you get slapped.
also the act of being completely gorgeous, and everyguy wants to get with.

girl: i want to be an angel wiseman
girl 2: oh i know me too

boy:do you know a wiseman?
biy: wtf?
biy2: u said wiseman idiot

by xxsnowboardtimexx March 30, 2009

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Cardinal Wiseman Sixth Form

An antisocial sixth form part of a roman catholic school located in Greenford, West London. Here pupils are assigned to friendship groups which they must stick with throughout the school day as groups don't mix, regardless of whether they actually like the people in their group. This is so that they don't face zero human interaction in the day. In this sixth form the younger year 12s are dictated by a bipolar Irish woman who is half the size of the average pupil and ensures there is silence during study periods, further supporting the antisocial agenda of the school. The pupils are divided into two categories and this is evident when looking at the demographic of the playground's sections. The higher part of the playground consists of basic teenagers going through a-levels who are too prestige to communicate with fellow pupils they have never spoken to before, while the bottom half of the playground is made up of coloured hair students with piercings that all do sociology and identify as a telescope. At lunch students are given the freedom to roam the streets of Greenford only to realise that 80% of the food options are chicken shops who most likely serve dead pigeons they've found in the area. During this break they will contemplate whether they'll enjoy a warm meal but face having diarrhoea when reaching home, or settle for a Tesco meal deal only to hear their belly rumble half an hour into period 4.

I go to the Cardinal Wiseman Sixth Form, my group were off ill today so I ended up making friends with the squirrels.

by EEEmmmzzz December 1, 2021

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Wiseman Compound and Bible Complex

A Landover Baptist subsidiary. A sprawling 1600 acre tobacco farm located in central North Carolina with an on-site Bible resource center. Marshall is the ranking True Christian in the Compound.

"After the latest attack by hippies, the Wiseman Compound and Bible Complex found it necessary to electrify the northern fenceline."

by Marshall TC October 22, 2005

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American Recording Artist Wade Wiseman

One of the greatest American recording artists better than Kanye of all time

I saw the American Recording Artist Wade Wiseman show at eden it was insane bro

by Stickyboy11 July 12, 2022


A name many people associate with Robert Edward Wyatt due to his wide range of knowledge and expertise

β€œwiseman say some wise words”

by omwtfyb69 June 6, 2023

christopher daniel wiseman

Noun a man who you would't want to piss off, he's strong caring and dont give a fuck what other think. Will help others before helping himself, he is very wise and smart, when a girl get him he will love her with all his heart and will protect her with all his might. A hard worker. He will want to have kids when he's ready will support his family when he get one, never cheat on his girlfriend/wife. He will put a smile on your face chear you up when needed. And has a huge cock

Her boyfriend is a christopher daniel wiseman he chear her up all the time she always smiles around him

by allamerican1996 November 2, 2013