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klutz fuck

When your friends spill coffee or other ditzy klutz like behavior...

Unable to walk across a flat surface, will never learn to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Shonda, your spilling all over and don't even realize it. You klutz fuck!

She can't help it, she's a klutz fuck.

by Giggles87 January 20, 2018


A person who falls non-stop

Imma major klutz

by Queensavage2222 April 18, 2018


Being stupid

LOl look at her she is Klutz

by FuzzMelon May 17, 2016


A clumsy person. Usually has a bad case of butterfingers, and the uncanny ability to fall upstairs and trip over the floor.

"Owen is such a klutz, he ran into the side of a wall and knocked himself out. Literally."

"For real?"

"Well, in his defense, he was moving pretty fast. I felt the impact. He should know better though."

"Man, we should put him in a human-sized hamster ball, and only allow him to come out when he's hungry or thirsty or when he needs to use the bathroom...or when he's going to bed...you get the idea. Bottom line, when he's out of his hamster ball, he should be sitting down."

by Someone who kinda exists August 22, 2021



Mered you're such a klutz

by Fine ass 88 July 20, 2023


See Kirsty McGilway

Kirsty is such a klutz, she's dropped another bloody laptop.

by surfymac August 25, 2017


A person who is clumsy but still hot no matter what.

Klutz.com is an amazing clothing brand you should def try out babes

Paris: OMG! did you totes just see Kendall Jenner with the new Klutz top
Hilton: Yess! It's so hot.

by 2000babe August 23, 2021