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culture absorber

A person or group that literally absorb someone else’s culture as their own and act as if it’s theirs. They are not just a Weeaboo or a Koreaaboo. They do it with everything.. e.g. A European visits an Asian country and becomes fascinated with their culture. When back in their country they start acting like the people of that country they visited e.g. Korea, even speaking broken versions of the language in an attempt to be the same as them. They even throw in a random foreign word into the middle of a sentence. They will especially do this around their friends and family and try to get them to act the same as them..

Mike: Hey Tom how are you today.
Tom: Fine how about you Tom.
Mike: I’m daebak..
Tom: You’re wha
Mike: Wanna grab some ramyeon!!
Tom: You don’t even like ram—
Mike I’ll take that as a yes....
*Proceeds to take out two wooden sticks and act as if they are chopsticks*
Tom: Ah so you’re a culture absorber...

by s-0-z December 18, 2020

Socially Absorbent

The act of easily picking up others social habits, such as way of speaking and clothing. Some times considered a poser.

When every I talk to certain people I start talking just like them, I guess I'm just socially absorbent.

by ihmjaww February 27, 2011

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Shock Absorbers

A pair of ladyz boobs :)

" Nice set of Shock Absorbers"

by Brad Nye August 4, 2008

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shock absorber

A shock absorber is a guy that you take around with you to meet girls. The shock absorber's primary job is to entertain the ugly girls that are friends with hot girls, thus 'absorbing' the 'shock' of the situation as you now have a cockblock-free chance to hit on the hot girls. The shock absorber usually already is in a serious relationship or is gay.......or both.

"Hey Steve Watson, wanna be my shock absorber this summer?"

"So, this girl in a wheelchair came up to me. But luckily my shock absorber, Steve Watson, took care of her."

"Who wants a moustache ride?..No not you, ugly girl. You can have one from my shock absorber, Steve Watson"

by John Lyman July 16, 2004

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absorb each other

when you share a mutual, intense love, you want to "absorb each other".
Absorbing each other involves lover's mutually taking in each other's essence. Their breath, smell, chemicals, energy, soul, spirit, etc. It involves close physical contact and being fully present.

I can't wait to see you tonight so we can absorb each other.

by juju2121 January 15, 2014

Self-Absorbed Sodomizer

Someone who tapes a mirror to the back of their partner's head during anal sex.

That jerk couldn't find any other way to get going so he strapped a mirror to my head, he's such a self-absorbed sodomizer!

by itsthatbradguy July 11, 2010

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Human Shock Absorber

One who is repetitively kicked in the stomach with subsequent gut-wrenching anxiety while remaining upright and wearing a fake smile. AKA: the college years.

My friends were amazed that I survived the human shock absorber years and earned a friggin’ piece of paper. Not even parchment. Yay for me.

by Dr Isaac September 13, 2018