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Jublomatic (adjective)

A woman who is of sexual interest to a Jublomat, i.e. has large breasts.

Woah mate get a load of the tits on her, she's jublomatic and no mistake.

by partridge May 15, 2003

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Super Adjective

When additional word endings which usually make a noun into an adjective are applied to a word that already is an adjective. The resulting adjective is exponentially as definitive.

"I can call spirits from the VASTY deep!" - 1 Henry IV, Act 3, Scene 1: VAST becomes VASTY, a Super Adjective.

by RANJAQ November 15, 2010

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Nickeldick, adjective

Of infinitesimal value, penny ante, small, trivial, unimportant, trifling.
Another term spawned by its repetitive usage in a regional northeastern supermarket chain and coined by one of its store managers.

This year's losses compared to last was nickeldick, cousin!

by weave July 16, 2003

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Shmaig (Adjective)

Something or someone who possesses negative qualities, often characterized by selfishness, annoyingness, or displaying frequent events of focking.

"That haitch is shmaig."

by Vaans May 4, 2005

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Awesome Adjective

No describing words whatsoever. Don't be fooled by the name of the figure of speech.

Jack: Dude, did you see that Atlantic ass.
Bob: Whoa, that was such a good awesome adjective. But, no.

by JakeekaJ August 24, 2011

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Bonz (Adjective)

Primarily used by PeachySaiyann (Twitch streamer)

Bonz (Adjective):

Another word for either someone’s rear end and or your own.

β€˜Kiss my bonz!’ -PeachySaiyann

β€˜Did you zoom in on my bonz’ -PeachySaiyann

by Rainbowrebel23 May 27, 2022

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verb the adjective noun

To copulate with someone.
Vanilla version of expressions such as "drown the salty longshoreman", "shake the wild maracca", etc.

Wow! Did you see that grade 8 girl?

Yes. I believe that she and i will get together and verb the adjective noun.

by I got no pants April 21, 2003

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