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The Albanian Terrorist

Sticking a cell phone in someones ass sideways then sending the phone threatening text messages.

Jeff either has sand in his vagina or someone just gave him "The Albanian Terrorist" cuz he is pissed!

by Timrothy Schtep August 19, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Albanian Blowjob

A fellatio obtained from a goat, usually achieved by smearing ones genitals with salt or saltwater.

John: I heard Mike had an Albanian Blowjob yesterday.
Gerald: Poor goat...

by STLRkira February 5, 2023

21๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Albanian girl

An Albanian girl is a Sexy Mediterranean Girl....

Is that sexy girl, italian, is she Greek?....No She's an Albanian girl.

by thomas King III May 24, 2009

557๐Ÿ‘ 160๐Ÿ‘Ž

Albanian Mindset

the Albanian Mindset is running an unregistered uranium enrichment facility inside a 70 years old woman's apartment on the 3rd floor while committing a mass amount of tax evasion

- bro how did you make that much money in a week?

- I follow the Albanian Mindset

by Terrorizim August 9, 2023

Albanian Aggressor

Nickname of legendary hockey tough guy Tie Domi (see)

In this corner, from Windsor, Ontario, weighing 186 pounds, Tie...the Albanian Aggressor...DOE-MEE! And in that corner, also hailing from Windsor, Ontario, weighing in at 221 pounds, the National Hockey League heavyweight champion, Bad...Bob...PRO-BERT!

by Woody Thomas January 8, 2006

172๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

Albanian Corkscrew

An Ancient Albanian term, where a lad penetrates a lass and then twists her around like a corkscrew.

Guy:"Hey you, do you want an albanian corkscrew"
Girl:"Hmm, okay"

by SamBam27 May 30, 2016

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Albanian Picnic

An Albanian Picnic is the manliest form of a picnic. It occurs in a mountainous area and includes live music, guns, manly food, and beers. The activity consists of 20-30 men eating manly food, drinking beer, listening to manly live music, while shooting guns in the air. Most of the guns have to be handguns with some rifles and one or two AK-47. The reason being is that if all the guns were AK-47 it would be considered a Terrorist Picnic and if all the guns were rifles then it would be considered a KKK Picnic. When the Albanian Picnic is over, it is customary for all the participants to go home and engage in sexual relations with their wives and or female lovers.

If you search on youtube "Picnic in Albania" you will find a real-life example of an Albanian Picnic.

by Muharrem Bajraktari January 25, 2011

66๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž