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all over it

To have total control; to be able to do something well, used in a future tense

I'm all over it

You need me to mow your lawn? Alright man I'm all over it

by anon. July 18, 2003

It’s all over

Drake Cooper Created this
You can use it’s all over for many situations like it’s all over for you as in your dead or it’s all over for you as in your girlfriend broke up with you or as in it’s all over for you your broke have no money

You dumb bitch it’s all over for you

by Drake Cooper January 3, 2020

all over it

Very enthusiastic about

Being a rabbit lover, when Brenda asked if I could take care of her own bunny, Schmoo, I was all over it!

by twelfth of never July 27, 2003

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all over it

Affirmation of a task being readily finished, or a job that for certain will be completed

Man: "Bitch! Where's my samitch at?"
Bitch: "Hold up! I'm all over it!"

by Tyler Durden July 30, 2003

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all over it

Earnest-sounding fluff, typically delivered with a positive, confident tone and enthusiasm, to take up space in a supervisor's auditory processing capacity so as to defer investigation into the porn surfing habits of a student or employee.

"The Pinsky file Sir? I'm all over it!"

"My term paper due tomorrow? All over it!"

by Lu Martling July 16, 2003

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all over it

to have a thorough understanding of, and interest in, something.

Have you seen the new Nike Dunk Low Pro SBs? Dude, I'm all over it.

by franzkaf July 30, 2003

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all over it

To go completely around; Encompass


1 - Me and my homies went to the club and were all over it.

2 - My heina came over and I was all over her shit

by wavellan July 18, 2003

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