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Your ancestors incestors

The most powerful comeback. Use it max 2 times a day or else the universe implodes. It can destroy anyone

Yeah you heard me right, your ancestors incestors mean a single thing: the most powerful comeback someone has ever created
Mike: u mom gay
Jake: u dad lesbian
Mike: ur granny tranny
Jake: ur grandpap a trap
Mike: ur brother a mother
Jake: Thats it.
Jake: ๐•๐• ๐•ฆ๐•ฃ ๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•”๐•–๐•ค๐•ฅ๐• ๐•ฃ๐•ค ๐•š๐•Ÿ๐•”๐•–๐•ค๐•ฅ๐• ๐•ฃ๐•ค
Mike: *implodes and gets erased from the universe*

by Literally a person May 4, 2019

Your Ancestor Molester

The biggest "ur" comeback of them all. Once you say this, you automatically won. There is no way they can't comeback.

Guy 1: ur mom gay
Guy 2: no u
Guy 1: ur granny tranny
Guy 2: ur grandpap a trap
Guy 1: ur family tree LGBT
Guy 2: Your ancestor molester

Guy 1 then proceeds to get the life sucked out of him and loses this argument.

by ResponsiblyConfused April 2, 2018

ur ancestors incestors

"the forbiden comeback" its even worse than Ur granny tranny, ur grandpa a trap and Ur family tree LGBT all at the same time, given to an ancient civilization to end wars between tribes and instantly desintegrate them but it was too powerfull so they had to seal it down in ancient ruins to keep it away from evil hands till this very day

billy: hey tom ur mom gay
tom: well, ur dad a lesbian
billy: huh, good one but ur granny tranny
tom: i dont want this be like this so UR GRANDPA TRAP
billy: you're good but Ur family tree LGBT
tom: *fire comes out of he's eyes looking at Billy* UR ANCESTORS INCESTORS!!!!!!!!
billy: instantly he desintegrates into nothingness and its not even woth limbo and wonders into pitch black abys where he melts for eternity

by galamoth April 8, 2018

Your ancestors incesters

"Your ancestors incesters" is the most vile heinous term you could ever Grace someone's ears with. The term upon hearing will disintegrate your universe and turn your asshole inside out

Johnny: your mom gay.
Elijah: your sister a mister.
Kobe: your ancestors incesters!
Johnny and Elijah both shed all of their skin and melt.

by YvngTrapper March 27, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

joined one's ancestors

"To join one's ancestors" is a euphemism for "to die." When you refer to someone who died, you may say euphemistically "he joined his ancestors." or "he passed away."

He joined his ancestors. joined one's ancestors

by Bella Min February 12, 2020

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Your Ancestors Incestors

This phrase is so strong that it can bend space and time also creating black holes. DO NOT use this unless in a really shitty situation.

Mike:I hate you
Jim:you're mom gay
Mike:your ancestors incestors

by ZeroSuccs April 12, 2018

ur ancestors incestors

The term only used by Kings of the afterlife

Joel:uR mom gay lol
Jon:no u
Joel:no u
Jon:ur ancestors incestors
Joel:Disinegrates and is granted the ability to never die but feel pain and is thrown inside a valcano by Satan himself while Jon is being crowned the new king of hell*

by JONBIGNXGGA March 28, 2018