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Unlike American cartoons, anime usually has one episode connecting to the next. This would give allowance for a story that is long and can express a good plot and elaborate on characters.

In American society, long-term stories are usually given to shows like Lost, Flashforward, and The Event.

Anime is long-term stories that are cartoons, and are usually cheaper to make.

There are good and bad ones, ones that are horrible at plot and characters, and ones that are good at plot and characters, just like American shows.

A great number of animes are based off of Japanese Comics (a.k.a. Manga).

In short, not all anime is gay and not all are awesome either. You have to dig for the good ones, and then BAM you have something to spice up your boring, monotonous home life when you've had enough of going outside, or can't go outside, or are worn out from studying, etc. Heck, it makes waiting for texts easier.

Of course, like anything, there are addicts... and anime isn't necessarily a good thing to be addicted with, especially if it gets in the way of your life.

Animes that easily appeal to the masses are: Death Note (psychological thriller), ToraDora (about growing up), Code Geass (about war and injustice).

If you can handle the movie Saw and want to get mind blown like Inception, watch Higurashi.

A safe site to watch anime on is Anilinkz, and there are some other sites too. Animeshippuuden is an unsafe site.

Albert: Did you watch Death Note?
Bob: Yeah, it's cool how even though they are so close to each other that they can even shake hands, if one figures out the true identity of the other through wits and smart talking, the other is dead.

by inception528491 November 30, 2010

347๐Ÿ‘ 113๐Ÿ‘Ž


n. Animation
1. A series of stills or "frames" played in a series to give what is best described as the illusion of movement

2. Movement of any kind

v. Animate
1. The act or process of creating movement or the illusion thereof

n. Animator
1. One who animates
2. Popularly used to describe workers in the cartoon or movie industries who, using either hand drawn art or computer art, create the illusion of movement.

adj. Animated
1. Acive or expressive; used to descibe one who is expresses their feelings or emotions using physical movement or exaggerated tones of voice

2. Tending to exhibit significant movement

1. Although the movie hoodwinked had an amazing story, the quality of the animation was horrible.

2. All things are animated - no object or organism can remain completely sedentary forever

1. Though my movies are not always top quality, I really enjoy animating.

1. Pixar studios has many accomplished animators

1. Many of my teachers are very animated; they exaggerate every feeling they have, waving their hands and nodding their heads

2. My igunana is not very animated; it sits in one place all day only blinking and ocasionally sticking out its tounge.

by Airec November 30, 2006

64๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


The reason I'm lonely and anti social.

No example needed. I'm just a hopeless otaku. Anime has ruined me.

by MephistophelesIsFABULOUS February 15, 2017

101๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


An art form that is used to make cartoons. It can be anything that involves lots of drawings in so many frames per second. Usually is draw in 2-D, and 3-D animation. It is used to tell a story with moving pictures.

"Have you seen the new episode of (insert animated show here)? It seems that their animation has gotten better!"

by Flynn The Flyer June 18, 2018


When an opponent in Mortal Kombat is defeated using a move that transforms the player into an animal.

Shang Tsung wins

by John Rhoods August 15, 2005

45๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. The belief in the existence of individual spirits that inhabit natural objects and phenomena.

2. The belief in the existence of spiritual beings that are separable or separate from bodies.

3. The hypothesis holding that an immaterial force animates the universe.

I am an animist so I believe in animism

by Bitterheart April 5, 2010

26๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A style of animation that originated in Japan, with a large fanbase around the world. Target audience can range from children to adults.
2. A great form of entertainment with a very wide variety of interests, ranging from sports to action to romance. Can be separated into different categories, most popular being shounen and shojo. Shounen being anime more action-oriented targeting boys, and shojo more romance-oriented targeting girls.
3. Not always hentai.

Person 1: I'm going to go watch some anime!
Idiot: Ew! Isn't that hentai?
Person 2: I love anime!

by kissingincars June 8, 2014

32๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž