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Shady or scandalous antics that are often typical of hookers.

He always fucks with hookers. When they roll him he acts shocked as if he's new to their hooker-antics.

by mmeez January 26, 2020

Whipped Antics

Antics performed in a whipped fashion on one or more girls, preferably ones in a relationship (so one is confined to the whip extremely tightly). This normally includes chirpsing on twitter, by text or bbm during the day and especially during school hours where others can give banter whilst one texts their whipped love. The Facebook whipped chirpse is commonly seen as an error as one can be baited out but also their filthy lines can receive likes and comments.

*Boy tweeting a girl in public about getting their phone fixed and how much they have to catch up on. - "Mate hush your whipped antics"
Boy wall to walling to a girl - "Mate this wall to wall is a whipped antics"
Boy seeing a girl on the way to school in the morning and speaking to them - "Mate we would be on time if it wasn't for your whipped antics"

by whippedwonder May 10, 2011

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Drunken Antics

when you had 1 too many glasses of vodka and you don't know what the hell you are doing because you are dry fucking a tree. its Basically when your drunk and you act like a plum fool.

"my drunken antics are very exotic and naughty "- the prostitute on the corner of the street where my house is

by mollylolli March 23, 2018

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vagina antics

A man who has feminine tendencies such as being a little bitch. A male who is perceived by most to be a total douchebag because this man will usually be seen wearing leather vests and prancing around like a total idiot; he is also known for his horrible taste in fine wines, known for his incessant bitching, and tries to be funny...but let's face it, he sucks. Over all his vagina antics cause broken friendships and leave many to undermine his masculinity.

Jesus! That guy and his vagina antics. His constant bitching and horrible attempts to be funny make me want to vomit.

by Dr. Enforcer August 7, 2015

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urban antics

Larkin around and causing mischief in the city.

Collective of Hip Hop DJโ€™s and graff artists based in Blackburn U.K.

Darn those urban antics flyposters

by Jamie Harvey June 22, 2004

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Squad Room Antics

A shitty folk-crack-rock-punk band from the North Shore of Massachusetts. The beginning of Squad Room Antics is lost to the crust of history, but they sucked to start out. After kicking their lead rapper out of the band, they began to get better.

If you listen to Squad Room Antics, you are most likely:

1) A freshman girl or sophomore boy

2) Homosexual

3) Stoned/Drunk

4) Thinking you came to a concert for Sababa

5) All of the above

Hey, are you going to the Squad Room Antics show this Friday?

Nah, dude, only fat drunk chicks go to their shows.

by 13YearOldGirl May 21, 2010

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woody colak-antic


.j.e..nd...e..r... (closeted)

falls off bikes a bit much and lands on his head


- lesbian

genshin stan twt (keqing kin)

in love with harry and hugo veevers

*eats cereal at 4am because thats so squirty TT*
my wood is so woody and meaty member look at my huge branches. suck my roots until i sap. :woody colak-antic

by dochi August 5, 2021