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Hell, especially if you have a car with leather seats. Good luck going outside, because just the air alone will toast you. If you aren’t constantly cooling off, you will get heat stroke in minutes. Winter is the only time you can go outside if you're from up north. Welcome to the desert.

Oh, did I mention the monsoons?

Damn, Arizona must be really shitty to live in.

by theredwall April 3, 2018

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The state that people visit during the winter time because the weather is nice.
Most Arizonans are immune to heat.

Penpal from other state: What's up? How's the weather?
Person from Arizona: Oh it's great! I can't believe it actually went down to 120 today.
Person: Huh? I can't even take my jacket off.
Penpal: *Catches on fire just thinking about it*

I (Zuki, the author of this definition) have lived in Arizona my whole life. I have also never left my house in the summer.
Too bad the only season in Arizona is summer.

by Zuki December 26, 2005

314πŸ‘ 428πŸ‘Ž


Excruciatingly hot in places like Phoenix and Tucson, especially if you are from Flagstaff. Whenever you are in a different region and someone asks where you are from, their automatic response is "wow, it must be hot huh?" Well it's NOT hot if you live in NORTHERN Arizona! We have four seasons and it snows a lot up here! People come up here to SKI. There is a lot more to AZ than people think.

Northern Arizona is beautiful.

by Freddie123456 October 20, 2005

208πŸ‘ 288πŸ‘Ž


The best state in the country that is east of California, while also being west of New Mexico and south of Utah.

Yep Arizona.

by Pace June 1, 2004

261πŸ‘ 409πŸ‘Ž


Contrary to what some think, it's actually a very diverse state, in the south you have warm, and in the summer - very hot, weather, desert, plenty of sand and cacti everywhere you look.
In the north, you have forests as far as the eye can see, snow, very cold weather - especially in the winter, and a lot of wildlife.

The heat for the vast majority of the year isn't as bad as people make it out to be, only in July-August is it what people make it out to be all year around.

Matt: I'd never go to Arizona, I can't bear the heat.
Jimi: Go in February then?
Matt: It's still unbearably hot in Feb?
Jimi: Shows what you know.

by I'mAnonymous February 6, 2008

169πŸ‘ 268πŸ‘Ž


The hot state the wordI/word lives in.

Good lord it's fucking hot in Arizona

by Scarlet September 13, 2003

139πŸ‘ 250πŸ‘Ž


A state in the union that wants to show everybody up when it comes to being backwards.

Arizona was the last state in the union to ratify a Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. The politicians and many of it's people (but not all) said "no!" to an MLK holiday long after every other state had already decided to honor Dr. King. Black athletes and leaders boycotted and the state eventually begrudgingly gave in.

Now, Arizona is once again trying to outdo all the other states and trying to reclaim its crown as the most intolerant, racist, and ass-backwards state by having recently passed SB1070--an unconstitutional, anti-immigrant, anti civil rights, xenophobic law that allows the police to racial profile ANYONE they see fit and it also allows law enforcement to arrest anyone that cannot produce documents that prove their residency/citizenship on the spot. This law has been called the most racist law since the Jim Crow laws of in the deep South. Way to go, Arizona!! You are the U.S. CHAMPION when it comes to staying way behind the rest of the country!!

Man: This SB1070 law is harsh and, ultimately, the police can stop and harass ANYONE they feel like and all they have to say is that they suspected someone of being in the U.S. illegally.

Woman: Sounds like Gestapo tactics to me and we are losing more of our freedoms. Time to boycott Arizona!

Man: That's what I'm saying. I'm boycotting anything from AZ, starting with the Diamondbacks.

by El MuΓ±eco April 28, 2010

146πŸ‘ 278πŸ‘Ž