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ass long hair

Specific type of long hair length where the bottom of it reaches almost between your ass cheeks.

Girl #1: I wanna grow out my hair!
Girl #2: How long tho?
Girl #1: I wanna have ass long hair

by ratis le sexologist February 25, 2021

ass hat hair

like hat hair, but worse.

Person 1 "Ooh, that guy's been wearing an asshat!"
Person 2 "How can you tell?"
Person 1 "Well he has ass hat hair, of course!"

by fullofpith October 4, 2007

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Lil haired ass bitch

A person that talks a lot of shit but hair can’t go past their ears.

“Lil’ Bald head bitch, still the most hated.”

“I’m not finna argue wit a lil haired ass bitchbitch hair can’t even touch the ears and wanna talk.”

by The baddest bitch on earth July 18, 2022

ass hair

hair located in the ass

i was having sex with some girl and she had ass hair

by luvbug5282947 July 25, 2018

Brim's ass hairs

Brim is short for Brimstone, we all know his cake is thicker than Reyna's cake. Brims ass hair is essentially pubes which stands for dick hair, however in this case we are explaining his ass hairs. His ass hairs are pretty thick and soft. If you decide to touch it, it wont hurt you. It can be a little bit wet sometimes, but that's not the issue here. In all, Brim's ass hairs stand for brims ass cheek pubes.

Brim's ass hairs is the hair that is located on brimstone (Character from valorant)'s ass

by brim simper December 21, 2021

Ass-Hair Mullet

An Ass-Hair Mullet is the hair thats located on a persons lower-back above the waistline or the "small" of the back. An Ass-Hair Mullet is when this patch of fur or body hair is pronounced, thick with growth, or is particularly volumous and impossible to conceal or ignore without grooming. Also known verbally as an Ass-Crack Mullet depedending on which region of USA this slang term is used.

Ex. Thomas has elected to not upgrade to the new office furniture the company has purchased for us since he has an ass-hair mullet so pelt-like, thick, and cushiony he has no need for an ergonomic desk chair with adjustable lumbar support.

by Gaunche January 1, 2022