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attention beard

Facial hair grown by young men (especially hipsters) in an attempt to garner attention.

Man 1: "Did you see that Atticus is sporting a beard these days?"

Man 2: "Is it a legitimate beard or one of those attention beards?"

by DakotaFred June 27, 2014

attention mechanic

creative content provider for online and/or offline media

attention mechanics are the guys behind all the internet buzz created around the world

by kelamist August 10, 2018

Attention Bi

A person who claims to be bisexual for attention. These people can usually be seen making-out etc. with the same sex in social events like parties.

She's never even physical with a girl unless someones watching damn attention bi!

by rachel December 27, 2003

55πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Attention Lesbian

A female typically in High School who claims she is a lesbian for the sole purpose of getting attention. Possibly due to the lack of attention received at home, Attention Lesbians feel the need to pretend they are gay in order to become popular and get talked about.

Person 1: Did you hear Lisa is dating that girl?
Person 2: Yeah but she is an attention lesbian.

by TheRealist1 October 18, 2010

22πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A person who's willing to do something extremely drastic just for all eyes to be on them.

"Did you see how stacy cut all her hair off?"
"What an attention-whore."

by Teh Shit February 4, 2008

230πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Attention Whore

aka Man Collector-, a woman who accumulates a lot of male friends in order to be constantly showered with attention and admiration. No man is off limits to an attention whore, including boyfriends and spouses of her own friends. The attention whore will make up inane reasons to text, call or have a conversation with a man that she feels is not giving her the attention she feels she should have and will escalate this behavior if this attention is going to another woman, even a man’s own girlfriend or spouse. She will not ask for anything, however, she will moan and complain about something until a man offers to help or give her what she wants. However, there is no way any of these men would ever make it beyond the friend stage or ever engage in sexual activity with this woman. The attention whore’s own boyfriend or spouse is usually the one man who is immune to her charms and attention seeking behavior. The attention whore does not have many female friends, either due to her actions towards their signifigant others, or because she feels that they take attention from her, although she will claim she doesn’t understand why.

The attention whore wears high heels to a football game so men will help her up and down the bleachers.

by Iknowwhatyoureupto November 5, 2011

201πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Attention Whore

a bitch who often makes everything dramatic. She will try to gain sympathy and/or try to get everyone against you by exaggeratng a situation or placing false rumors. She also tries to act innocent and be the victim to make you look like the worst person in the world.

They're usually preppy whores that need to get fucked up.

note this things in an attention whore:
1) Make everything dramatic
2) Will do anything to get sympathy or attention.
3) Usually hooks up with her best guy friend all the time the cry on how it's complicated.
4) Wears a lot of glitter

5) She will be friends with people that bully you
6) In the end people just use her for their satisfaction
7) Have a rude overweight friend who gets in your business because her friend has an obsession with her
8) their names usually start with "k"

Stay away from these people.
lol Look at a wall, it has more original personality and they won't turn on you one day.

by someone who's tiered of shit March 23, 2011

187πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž