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a really awesome thing that has happened.

its the end of the weekend, and your at school, and one of your friends asks how your weekend was. you reply with
' it was awesomeness.'

by hanndogg December 27, 2006

4๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


The feeling one would experience after spending an awesome time with someone special.

Charmaine: How did the first date go?
Mariya: It was great! We had drinks and talked for hours! We even went for sushi afterward.
Charmine: Awesomeness!

by KingNumberWon August 8, 2011

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a disease or ailment which is the result of one's excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and/or illicit drugs to help ease there problems and doingd his behavior night after night like a champ.

" Doug's life was going shitty cuz lexi doesnt like him and his girl just left him so after numerous nights he was found himself with a severe case of awesomeness."

by Anonymo September 4, 2006

4๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


When the sun comes out, it means someones awesomeness has come out to brighten the world with her awesomeness.

See, my awesomeness is melting the snow!
I have to get up early to share my awesomeness.

by Vandemort February 4, 2011

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Someone who is amazing.

Aaron is the awesomeness because he would "hold the world on his shoulders if it meant that someone else would be without pain. "

by AngelaHope October 28, 2006

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Awesomely Awesome

The act of being so awesome that you are even more awesome than other awesome people.

Zach Miller is awesomely awesome!!

by Im a Boss Daddy!!!!! January 25, 2011

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awesome awesome

When awesome just isn't good enough, usually used in a sarcastic manner and told with an air of insincerity

Brittany: Hey are you running this season?

Joe: No it sucks, I have a stress fracture so i can't.

Brittany: Oh that's awesome awesome, you'll get to spend more time with your friends now!

Joe: Actually no Brittany, I have a stress fracture...

by Dildo Faggins April 5, 2008

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