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Battlefield Earth

Battlefield Earth is possibly the worst movie ever made. This movie must have crippled John Travolta's Career! Why was this movie ever realesed!

RANDY: Yo RJ wanna go see the new battlefield Earth movie?

RJ:I don't wanna see that piece of crap! I'd rather wath 12 hours of Stargate SG-1 and date your mum! Now can on lets go get Fried Chicken!

by J.Humphrey & T.Chapman & W.Thomas[gay boy] May 20, 2005

162๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

battlefield 1942

An addicting on-line first-person shooter that re-enacts real WWII battles. A game that frequently involves spilling out an entire clip of ammunition on an opponent 2 feet away yet entirely missing.

Most players can be classified into 4 categories.

1. Players who know what they are doing.
2. Players who do nothing but camp next to planes and promply crash them into trees.
3. Players who do nothing but be annoying snipers and puss out for the entire battle.
4. Suicidal n00bs who shoot everyone and anything.

Player 1: Wait! I want to get in the boat to get to shore!
Player 2: STFU! I'm taking this 8 passenger boat for myself!

by John September 1, 2004

103๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Battlefield 2

Battlefield 2, like the name implies, is distinctively broken up into 2 different definitions that usually coherently apply.

1. Battlefield 2 is a combat flight sim that provides the user with the most realistic environments ever conceived. Unlike Flight Sim X, there are actually destructible environments, vehicles, and civilians on the ground.

2. Battlefield 2 is one of the most realistic terrorist training simulations publicly available. Users can select the Special Ops class, which happens to be a pseudonym for "suicide bomber", and can attach volatile explosives to the front of their vehicles to be used for leeway into the mansion of 40 virgins. These are most prominently dune buggies, terrain jeeps, transport choppers, but are certainly not limited to ATVs and jet skis in Special Forces.

Battlefield 2 Definition #1
Two buddies in vent on Gulf of Oman:

1. elvandar01: "Spawn at olive hill?"
2. Stealth Pyros: "Sounds good."

-5 seconds later of waiting on spawn-

3. elvandar01: "Alright let's do diss!!"
4. Stealth Pyros: "Jeeps up get i-."
Jet Whore Su-34 elvandar01
Jet Whore Su-34 Stealth Pyros

Battlefield 2 Definition #2
Two buddies in vent on Gulf of Oman:

1. elvandar01: "lmao dude this is gonna be hilarious, spawn at construction site we'll get the buggy"

-6 seconds later-

2. elvandar01: "alright let's load it up, get in"

elvandar01 C4 Armor Whore
elvandar01 is no more.
elvandar01 Teamkills Stealth Pyros

3. Armor Whore: "admin can u ban elvadnar pls 4 ramming"

by elvandar01 April 27, 2009

55๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Battlefield 3

The next upcoming game in the Battlefield series. It's the twelth game in the series and a sequel to Battlefield 2.
It will be released in the fall of 2011, to Xbox 360, Playstation three and PC.

- Hey dude wanna go over to Nates house and play some Black Ops?
- Nah fuck that, Ima play some Battlefield 3 that actually requires some team work and skill.

by watsupguise March 15, 2011

840๐Ÿ‘ 278๐Ÿ‘Ž

Battlefield 1943

The latest game released by DICE on July 8th, and 9th of 2009. It is essentially a lower level but nicer graphics version of Battlefield 1942. On the day of the release the forums were flooded with people complaining about various issues. One member even threatened to file a class action lawsuit against DICE for "misleading" people to somehow enter their credit card information, download the game, install it, and start play it. Pretty odd.

The game itself is quite fun, but rather glitchy in the earliest form. In time the game is speculated to have various bug fixes, and perhaps even more maps.

Many console wars broke out over the "Coral Sea Challenge" which is essentially if the community of Xbox and Playstation 3 users get 43 million kills in total, the 100% dogfight map Coral Sea will be unlocked. A counter was added to the home page, and Xbox users started to boast about how they were winning, causing Playstation 3 users to retaliate and cause a console war.

Battlefield 1943 is a good game, just needs a bit of work. You can't beat the $15 price either.

by Da Milkman July 13, 2009

33๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Battlefield Earth

Arguably the worst movie in History.
John Travolta produced and starred in this monumental piece of dung because it's based on a novel by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, and Johnny boy is one of several Hollywood celebities brainwashed by the Scientology creepos.
If you think the movie is shit, you should have a look at the book!

I'd rather sit on an anthill than watch Battlefield Earth.

by Hugh G Rection January 17, 2006

228๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž

battlefield 1942

One of the most groundbreaking games in FPS history, allowing players to re-enact historical battles of World War 2 in surprising (if not perfect) accuracy and realism. This game was also the first FPS style game to feature the ability to command any vehicle or stationary weapon battery the player might come across during gameplay. (The game features almost any vehicle significant to the war, allowing players to command everything from a British Sherman Battle Tank to a Japanese Battleship)

Battlefield 1942 is not only a revolutionary game because of its unique style of gameplay combined with easy-to-operate controller configurations, but also because (despite comments made by my fellow Canadian, Random Hoser) it is considerably accurate historically, providing brief accounts of battles after the real victors have won, and making up a believable post-battle summaries if the winning team were infact defeated during the given battle.

Two expansions have been released by EA since the games original debut, first of which was the "Road to Rome" expansion, which added the French and Italien forces into the gameplay, and is truly worth purchasing, and the later-released "Secret Weapons of World War 2" expansion, which, in my opinion, strayed too far from the WW2 atmosphere generated by the original title and was not very enjoyable, nor worth the money I paid for it.

Many mods have also been released from various sources, although the most notorious of them are the "Eve of Destruction" mod (since been succeeded by EA's new release, "Battlefield Vietnam") and the glorious "Desert Combat" mod, which in my opinion is almost more enjoyable than the original game, and worth 7 hours to download.

In summary, Battlefield 1942 is one of the greatest (probably THE greatest) FPS title ever to be released, and is worth the original price ($49.99) to buy, even years after its release.

My screenname online is Janos Illin, if you see me give me a shout

Counterstrike is a good game, but most people who play Battlefield 1942 see it as mediocre, and afterwards find it less enjoyable then the said title.

Player01 says: I found Secret Weapons of World War 2 wasn't as enjoyable as Road to Rome

Player02: No other game has ever allowed me to use me old FPS skills, while simultaneously giving me the option of strafing my friends in a P-51 Mustang!

by Derek Thornton May 14, 2004

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