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Abbreviation for Collège Beaubois, most commonly used by Collège Beaubois students.

Look! A bbois kid!

by Hffvh June 28, 2019


BBoy is short for bitch boy. That one bitch faggot which noone likes. Bitch boys are also basically cucks, if you see a bboy you fucking flame them and beat them up.

"Hey its that bboy! lets fucking trash him!"

by SuperGuyGoy October 3, 2017


A really cool friend that you can trust. He’s always pretty generous to so many people, and he gives nitro to other people. He’s super trustworthy and fun to talk to.

Bboy: Gives PJ Nitro
PJ: Thanks for the Nitro, You’re very generous

Bboy: Hey, that’s just what I do.

by KYR Productions May 13, 2021


Someone who refuses BlowJobs in order to get enough sleep for tomorrows Tennis Tournament

Sorry, I have a tennis tournament tomorrow. "Man he just pulled a bboy"

by StayLiquidy June 28, 2019


Workhorse of WTC. Goated Faction The BBoys watches WCW, WWF and ECW and in spare time watch The Hub

TV: Idk

Kyle: what's a bboy damn bro that's crazy

by BBoy12346 June 2, 2021


A Workhorse who's in Goated group The BBoys and will never leave WTC and watches WCW, WWF and ECW. in his spare time he "does nothing"

TV: Idfk
Kyle: Damn Bro That's Crazy
MaximusKE: BBoy Goated

by BBoy12346 June 2, 2021


A 16 year old that eats a lot of Big Macs and is bad at Fortnite and Black Ops 1 2 3 and 4.

Bboy: Let's go get Big Macs
Robert: No more!

by Michael Fifita January 31, 2019