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Blow off some steam

To take part in a perceived fun activity or activities after an intense emotional taxing day or days at work , school, or home. Always associated with doing something different to get your mind away from your problems. Typical non-harmful activities include exercising, sex, playing games, camping, dancing, watching a movie, listening to music.

Some activities can be satisfying but ultimately detrimental to your health such as binging on alcohol, drugs, smoking, or food.

Other activities can be criminal. Spray Painting walls, vandalizing homes or places of businesses, rioting (usually after a favorite team loses), or physically taking their aggressions out on people (spousal abuse, worker abuse or detainee abuse have been cited as blowing off some steam).

Example 1:

Buddy 1: "Damn, your boss is making you work weekends and overtime over something he did wrong? WTF?

Buddy 2: "I know man, well lets go to the bar, grab some brews and blow off some steam"

Example 2 (CBS News):

Rush Limbaugh trying to explain why detainees were tortured by U.S. personnel in Abu Ghraib, Iraq:

"This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation, and we're going to ruin people's lives over it, and we're going to hamper our military effort, and then we are going to really hammer them because they had a good time. You know, these people are being fired at every day. I'm talking about people having a good time, these people, you ever heard of emotional release? You ever heard of need to blow some steam off?"


Example 3:

Her: "I don't feel like having sex tonight, my hair is a mess and I have a headache....(10 seconds later) ..Where are you going?"

Him: "Gonna blow off some steam (Drives off)"

by The Fuzzy Popsicle July 8, 2009

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Blow off some numbers

Brainstorm the numeric value of quantification as a method of relaxation and ascending to a higher state of emotional stability in the workplace.

In Jack in the Box, we used to blow off some numbers at least once per week. Here we are, all VPs now.

by ef_ July 27, 2016

Blow it off

don't let it bother you

don't worry about it

I'm worried that something will happen.

Blow it off, man.

by moonchild2C June 1, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blow it off

To skip an activity.

Math class is next, but I'm gonna blow it off.

by Cv4wheeler November 25, 2016

Car girl Blow Off Valve

The act of fucking a car thot and while she climaxโ€™s pulling out so she lets out a couple of loud, wet, queefโ€™s

car thot: I really need a good guy in my life.
Thot destroyer: well maybe if every guy standing here hadnโ€™t given you the Car girl Blow Off Valve you could find one

by The car guy brad May 9, 2019

Blow off the easy one

Another term for masturbating.
To blow off refers to the act of masturbation, and the easy one refers to the penis

Me: "What are you doing tonight?"
Friend: "I'm gonna blow off the easy one"

by Stevens Slowjerk September 22, 2008

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blowing someone off

when someone says that they will do something and end up not committing to it

he ended up blowing someone off when he ditched them to GET blown off

synonyms: to cast aside, to throw aside, to ditch, associated with flakiness

by 6969lolz September 30, 2019