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The make up of a 'canadian flag'

The prefered fluid of 'rahali' in 'E9'

Hey rahali, that was a bit rough, I got blunk now.

by Prasad August 6, 2003

1👍 17👎


Blinking in the past tense

You made me blunk

by Iamenrolled July 22, 2022


When you don't think blinked sounds fun to say

Timmy blunk.

by 3hfvrbbevhh March 21, 2023


A portmanteau/mixture of 'blood' and 'spunk'.

Ben snapped his banjo while he was cumming in that whore's mouth. Man, there was so much blunk.

by Adam Paz January 11, 2017


For shit cunts who don't understand how to spell blinked

Person 1: I just blunk so much cause I got something in my eye.
Person 2: The fuck is wrong with you shit cunt its blinked

by Shitcuntidentifer October 17, 2021


past tense of blink

Oh no my juul just blunk, I guess I gotta recharge it...

by shakes_peare August 11, 2022


Unfathomably stupid individual who probably doesn’t use their blinker

Oh my god, Dylan is such a blunkard!!!”

by AAHHHHHBLINKUNOOO August 17, 2024