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Lower Merion School Board

The controllers of Lower Merion Township redistricting. They are hated by everyone because they are jackasses who don't understand that children who live 3 minutes away from the Lower Merion shouldn't have to pass it to get to Harriton High School (the other Lower Merion School.) Most unfair and cruel people in the world. Fucking bitches i hate you

Parent 1: "What did the Lower Merion School Board decide this time for redistricting?"

Parent 2: "Those assholes decided to split Ardmore in half so now my kid can't go to the school that is two blocks away from our house."

by blob-bob April 26, 2009

31👍 17👎

Kansas State School Board

Ignorant savages who not only embrace supernatural figures, but who have also determined their youth to become walking retards by limiting their education to the Bible. What a disgrace to science and the human intellect!

Kansas State School Board 1999.

by not an ignoranus July 19, 2010

10👍 12👎

boarding school

fucking hell like literal hell like i wanna go to boarding school

friend: that person in the horror movie just died
me: no they are in boarding school

by ava fuckin malfoy October 23, 2020

Boarding school


Well kinda...
A frequently-stereotyped educational institution that often features a more diverse population than most people believe. Contrary to popular belief, not all boarding school students are snotty, preppy airheads and jocks. Not all are sent there as preparation for becoming trophy wives or CEOs. Boarding schools are not as weird and sheltered as they are portrayed to be (especially not for day students) and they do have significant value other than "getting the kids out of the way".

Many parents send children to boarding schools for high school because they feel this will better prepare them for college life. Others live in areas with poor public schooling systems and elect to send their children elsewhere, so they can have a better education. It may come as a shock to some that many boarding school students come from extremely rural areas or from so-called "bad neighborhoods" and are there on scholarship.

Living at a boarding school often puts kids in contact with people they would never meet otherwise, as students often come from all over the world. Interacting with people from different places and backgrounds generally broadens the students' minds and horizons. Dorm life requires that they learn to live with other people and to effectively resolve problems with roommates and neighbors.

“Oh look Lara, Freya and Philippa go to a Boarding school.”

“Oh no! I was going to bang all three tonight but because they live in hell I can’t anymore”

by Sugerplum101 January 27, 2021

Boarding school

A place where Indian parents send their children to fucking die, and to get tortured by having no connection with the outside world and only study.

Indian mom: I am sending you to boarding school.
Indian child: NOOOOO WHY!!!!11!!

by uhhjustsomebody September 21, 2022

Salvatore boarding school

The Salvatore boarding school is a supernatural school for all supernatural's so they can live and work in peace. The Salvatore boarding school was founded by Caroline forbes and Alaric Saltzman at the old Salvatore boarding house it was donated for this cause by Damon Salvatore in memory of Stefan Salvatore

Mya wants to go the the Salvatore boarding school

by Mikaelsons.always and forever February 9, 2021