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ass bonanza

Defined as an occurance when excessive pressure is built up in the colon causing a rectal explosion of fecal matter and intestinal juices. Then outside participants join in pounding said exploded ass with all manner of blunt objects including pants anacondas, broom sticks, and cacti.

Outside of the taco bell my diarrhea caused an ass bonanza as hundreds of mexicans pounded me senseless following the gaseous explosion of my rectus.

by Lord Commodore January 25, 2005

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bathroom bonanza

Spending an unnecessary amount of time in the bathroom to prevent your roommate from using it. This is often a subtle form of revenge for those who are unfortunate enough to live with a rude slob.

Last night, I had a bathroom bonanza around the time my roommate usually gets ready for bed. I hid out in there for an hour - showering, and getting ready for bed myself although I stayed up for hours afterward. I painted my nails for the first time in months, admired my new tattoo in the mirror and enjoyed some relaxing BBM time. Maybe now she's thinking the same thing I am... BITCH SHOULD'VE CLEANED.

by snolan March 23, 2011

bridal bonanza

A pre-wedding celebration that avoids the tropes of a "traditional" Bachelorette party. Typically set in nature, and emphasizes friendship, sobriety, and feminist values. A snack room, the presence of a bonfire, healthy/delicious meals, and the hollering of "Bonanza!" are standard features.

Are you going to Sarah's Bridal Bonanza this weekend?

by jsundin May 24, 2022

Burger Bonanza

When you live in a fancy neighborhood where your neighbors don't think you belong, so you have a massive cookout and decorate your yard so after that day there is no doubt in anybody's mind that this is your hood now.

The people in Oakwood didn't realize this is my turf until I had the Burger Bonanza of 2020.

by Sideways23 April 28, 2020

gash bonanza

A gash bonanza is to a disproportionately large number of women at a given event as a sausage fest is to a disproportionately large number of men at a given event.

"There is a total gash bonanza going on in this club tonight."

by Kitty McStabbe April 8, 2010

Butthole Bonanza

A bunch of men having sex with a single butthole regardless of male or female.

We were having a butthole bonanza over here the other night.

by Forsheezlevindeezle August 22, 2011

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Beef Bonanza

The trendier term for a quote "Sausage fest" involving three or more gents with no girls in sight.

Fuckin' el, why do we only end up at beef bonanza parties? Bro.

by MuffinTop47 April 6, 2011

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