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Repeating the words of another participant during a texting session.

John: Hi!
Susan: Hi!

John: I hear an echo...
Susan: I hear an echo...

John: As long as you recognize it's like a boomerang
Susan: I'm boomeranging

by squashedblueberry June 4, 2013

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To return a compliment. i.e."back at you". A term that acknowledges and reciprocates a compliment (sends the same compliment back to the source, with thanks).

Person 1: "I think you're great"
Person 2: "Boomerang"

by Inonna February 5, 2016

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

The Boomerang

When a guy is getting head, and right before he's about to cum the girl points his dick straight up at him resulting in a face full of his own semen.

"I gave Jimmy The Boomerang last night and now he won't talk to me."

by Jeneses November 2, 2013

11πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


An action undertaken by a baby boomer who believes he's smarter than everyone else, which however will come back to hit him, like a boomerang.

My uncle Giuseppe refused to wear a face mask as he'd say he'd never get it, but guess what he caught covid last week

- Ah, classic boomerang

by justperuz March 9, 2021

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


An oral sex position in which the hombre lies down and the woman stands above his head, then bends all the way down to his cock without getting on her knees or even bending her legs, then proceeds to suck the man dry.

Jim: Dude, Stacey's sweet.
John: You haven't even banged her yet bro.
Jim: No but she's sick at boomerang'in.

by laxislife7777 August 14, 2011

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When a boomer forgets what they said to you yesterday, so they just come back round again with the same nonsense.

Don’t get Jim talking about emergency medical treatment for illegal immigrants, he’ll just boomerang back to his tired racist rhetoric.


Last week Jim argued he isn’t racist because a POC cleans his home. Survey shows: most racist comment he’s said.

This week he boomerangs back saying he’s not a racist because he gave said POC a Christmas gift... after she cleaned his home. Survey shows: yep, still a racist comment.

by Mark7 December 7, 2020


A female that throws herself at everybody and keeps going back to the same old people or situations.

Did you hear that Selena is with Justin again after he did her dirty?
Yea she a boomerang hoe.

by mjswag2 January 20, 2016

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