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Braindead monkey


Hosen is a braindead monkey

by 8โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”) January 18, 2018

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braindead meat puppet

braindead meat puppet is someone who is empty in the head and guided by other people

that braindead meat puppet is fooled by friends into doing something stupid

by niva01 June 19, 2023

Are you fucking braindead dude?

When a goose thinks he is ultimately right even above all others including 1A-1 himself.

Josh: Do you want to help the community or yourself?
Shiv: Are you fucking braindead dude? Myself

by GOOSESTEP9000 November 17, 2018

Fucking useless neck down braindead cunt

Someone who is so fucking useless their body only functions from the neck downwards, completely independently of the brain, resulting in someone who literally isn't worth a wank

Dom Willey is one fucking useless neck down braindead cunt

by No more nights February 24, 2023

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ur grandad braindead

Used as counter for countless of other family insults. Everytime it is used, there is an earthquake in North Korea.

You: ur mom gay
Carl: ur Dad lesbian
You: ur granny tranny
Carl: ur sister a mister
You: ur grandad braindead

*Carl explodes and spiders are popping off his organs.*

by realBuggy March 18, 2018


Jus. Ball onetrick. a complete

Ur braindead. U cant do shit. Ur just like jus

by Justin Bloom November 15, 2019


When someone is playing a game called hearthstone, and they decide to play a cubelock deck, that person is more than likely braindead!

I just saw David playing cubelock, he is probably braindead. :(

by Jonny9363 March 9, 2018