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An ass that you love under that sheet of hatred and sometimes want to beat the shit out of

My brother will be my brother no matter what.

by Skullsmasher718 July 21, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


a male person who has many female friends, none of which he has made a move on. this male also will treat his female friends extremely nicely with much care and treats them like his own sister. ultimately, this male believes that acting this way is the key to female vaginal area. but will never obtain in which what is dreamed.

male: hey hilary do you need to me to buy that purse.
female: oh sure. philip do you want me to show you a good time then.
male: ya, lets go to the movies.
female: (sigh) oh philip, you're just like my brother.
male: (excited) oh thank you.

by jacob brownstone September 10, 2007

11๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone with who you share similar ethnic or cultural heritage (as long as you're not a wasp)

izaak: you think zach is a brother?
israel: are you kidding me... his surname is goldstein!

by izaakvk August 4, 2007

7๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Guy who only tries to protect his sister even when she is being a jerk (all the time). He may make fun if u or make u feal bad but know that deep down he really loves u and cares about u. Don't make him mad or HELL has broken loose. And know that he can beat u up easely But doesn't because he loves u. It doesn't matter if he is older or younger, he will challenge any Guy that comes within 5 feet of u. Respect him and put up with all his crap and he will put with yours. When he make u feel bad or insults u (1). know that he is having the worst day and ask him what's wrong or (2). He is trying to make u stronger so u can learn how to deal with the real dicks in life. No matter what he loves u. If he is a real jerk then don't ask him about his feelings (we usually don't like to talk about our feelings) just know that he is having a hard time in life and is hurting. He needs to let some steam off. Also try to figure out why he is hurting and fix if, we love when people help us out and we don't have to talk about our feelings. Help us and respect your brother and we will do the same.

15 year old Brother: yo sis how was your day?

17 year old Sister: OMG it was great, the senior QB asked me out.

Brother: oh really... where does he live?

-sister tells brother where he lives, brother picks up a bar-code

Brother: I'm going to play baseball with some freinds.

----------------next day------------------

-sister comes home crying-

Brother: what's wrong?

Sister: the QB is in the hospital, he is going to be in a full body cast for 2 months. He wont tell what happened.-sobs-

-brother turns away and smiles wickedly-

by agoodbrother June 30, 2017

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A male sibling that gives you advice not to show how wise he is but to point you in the right direction, for your sake; one who shares many memories that bring them close to you; the one that shares shows, bands, movies, family, and other interests with you; the person that makes fun of you without it hurting your feelings; the definition of fun and love; one who gives and seeks advice; the one who tells you like it is; the role model; the one who knows how to make you laugh; the one that treats you like you are and nothing more, and nothing less so that you know of your importance, but are humble as well; the one you are most like; someone that generates tears when gone; no matter where you are in the world, you both are still close

I love my brother.

by zelda girl July 2, 2011

189๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


An annoyiong little shit that never seems to go away and kind of smells funny.

My brother is fifteen.

by Megan Leigh July 1, 2006

680๐Ÿ‘ 262๐Ÿ‘Ž


A guy who is closely related to you, who pisses you off, be it older or younger. Brothers may lurk around your room or even threaten to kill you. Many cases have shown that brothers are douchebags.

You: Hello, brother! How is this fine day?
Brother: Go fuck yourself.
You: .. wh- what?
Brother: I'm going to slit your throat.
You: No you're not

by Joker91029 May 21, 2009

671๐Ÿ‘ 277๐Ÿ‘Ž