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Jailhouse C-section

Anal rape in jail. (Originated from LAGTV)

You better keep clean. You don't know what it's like to get a jailhouse C-section.

by ImaSquid November 3, 2012

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jailhouse C-section

when your ass gets torn from anal rape.

Bubba : I'm about to give you a jailhouse C-Section

by LAGviewers November 3, 2012

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C-Section 8

When an Asian girl sperm jack a white man and gets pregnant. The hapa baby is too big for normal birth so requires a C section. Being a single mother, the asian female then applies for Section 8.

Holly is doing a C-Section 8!

by WMAFMaster May 20, 2021

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Jailhouse C-section

the stitches given to an inmates but hole after being screwed by another inmate.

Jim was in so much pain when he came out of jail. He had to get a Jailhouse C-section

by Ironman_1 November 3, 2012

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Jailhouse C-section

While in jail, a maximus black D is inserted into the anus of the jail mate and tears the bottom of the anus to the testicular region and will require stitching.

Joe:"Yo Bubba raped my ass so bad that it tore and I had to get stitches."

Jeff:"Damn sounds like he gave you a Jailhouse C-section."

by TheLegendofAustin November 3, 2012

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Jefferson County C-Section

An unplanned cesarean section performed by a person who has intent of raising the child as their own. Perpetrator has already gone to elaborate lengths to stage a "faux preganancy." Due to their families and significant others being addicted to meth, the perpetrator can make it the entire 9 months undetected.

Becky: Damn, Heather where did you get that baby from?
Heather: Well, you know I was pregnant remember?

Becky: I was just making sure that your little bundle of joy didn't come via a Jefferson County C-Section.

by Candice's Momma January 13, 2012

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c-section bitch

A slang term for a woman that has a small hips which will likely cause a need for a c-section when giving birth.

Used by men looking for a woman with with small hips.

Yo, Iโ€™m looking to get myself a c-section bitch.

by reservedcranberry November 4, 2023