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Cabbage Patch.

Noun, (Cab-age Pat-ch); A Term That Refers To The Females Reproductive Organ As Well As There Anus When Connected By A Thick Patch Of Pube's, Ergo The Name Cabbage Patch.

Cabbage Patch. Female Pube's Sex Booty Bush

by Quents! March 8, 2010

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cabbage patching

when an older teenage male loiters creepily in an area where prostitots are known to congregate with intentions of pursuing them sexually

Jimbo, 19, had a successful night of cabbage patching at the mall. He managed to seduce a young sophomore prostitot and still have her home before her bedtime of 9:30.

by KBiggz June 12, 2011

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Cabbage Patch Stalker

A hideous looking stalker of the third kind that resembles the apperance of a 'cabbage patch kid' from the classic 1980s collectors cards. They will stop at nothing to stalk their unwitting victims and subject them to their ungainly mis-shapen ugly form, offering unlimited freaky sex. Many victims have never recovered from one of these hideous encounters.

Everything was fine in the office until the daylight was shut out by the unwitting rise of the cabbage patch stalker in front of the windows.. no man survived that day..

by Jack Jismouth August 15, 2009

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benadryl cabbage patch

another name for Benedict Cumberbatch

person 1: Benadryl Cabbage patch is my favorite actor, i love him in Sherlock.

person 2: i dont man, i think Beedrill Confused bats was better in Dr. Strange

by notspiderman December 10, 2016

Cabbage patch silky

When you leave on a perm(hair straightener, ie...soft sheen)too long. And your hair becomes very straight and thin, like the fake silky doll hair of a cabbage patch doll.

HOT like the perm on the back of your neck
Left it in too long
Now ya got Cabbage Patch silky(Thanks to Big Boi of Outkast re: Morris Brown)

by Ol Gurl March 19, 2009

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cabbage patch snatch

1. self desciptive, vaginal lips so used and nasty they look like cabbage leaves.
2. A whore's pussy

I hear Christina has a cabbage patch snatch.

by Bud E Love May 5, 2003

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Cabbage patch fever

The uncontrollable urge to shave one's eyebrows

"What happened to Tom"

"He got cabbage patch fever during quarentine"

by Fuck you kani April 19, 2020