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Cadbury drinker

Someone who gets drunk off a small amount of alcohol.

Cadbury's chocolate blocks are advertised as having a "glass and a half of full cream dairy milk" in every block.

A "Cadbury drinker" gets pissed off about a glass and a half of beer.

Look mate, Matt's had half a shandy and he's rat-arsed already. He's such a Cadbury drinker.

by Choda Boy 57 August 12, 2006

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Reverse Cadbury

The act of shoving an easter egg up ones ass then pooping them around the house for others to find easter morning.

Hey August, why do all the easter eggs on the counter have chocolate smeared on them? Did you reverse cadbury your daughter this easter?

by Verygoodpleasure April 24, 2011

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Cadbury's girl

Person who becomes drunk after only a glass and a half. From the famous recipe for Cadbury's chocolate which has 'a glass and a half of milk'

'Jenny is a bit of a cadbury's girl!'

by blclarke May 15, 2007

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Cadbury Kersplat!

The act of using a cadbury creme egg as an anal projectile, One simply inserts a cream egg into their rectum, and squats over their partners chest, followed by a forceful pushing motion; the Creme Egg will spew out onto your partners chest with some velocity, causing what is called A Cadbury Kersplat

GUY 1: did you see jeff last night? his girl was trying to give him a Cadbury Kersplat! and missed his Chest!!
GUY 2: OMG no way! she did'nt!!
GUY 1: Totally dude, she Cadbury Kersplatted all over his face!!

by muahahahking123 April 18, 2018

cadbury creamer

When you insert a cadbury cream egg into a females vagina, punch it as hard as you can, and eat her out, consuming the melted chocolate and gooey sugary filling within

Erica was severly bruised after I gave her a cadbury creamer, but she loved when I licked the remains out of her.

by Ryno March 26, 2005

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cadbury fingers

when you finger a girls ass and you get shit on your fingers.

dude last night i was with my girlfriend and i got cadbury fingers

by captain_long_dong69 May 1, 2016

Cadbury's Fingers

1. A delicious British confectionary comprised of a finger shaped biscuit covered in milk chocolate

2. The surprising and often alarming sexual act whereby a lady of questionable morals inserts her digit(s) into a gentlemans anus as he nears orgasm in an effort to heighten the intensity

1. John: Fucking hell, Dave! Have you eaten all my Cadbury's fingers again, you greedy bastard?
Dave: Yeah, sorry, mate. I was stoned.

2. Lady1: I say, Lady Poncemby-Smythe, your Reginald looks awfully glum today.
Lady2: Yes, Ms. Hartley-Woodford. Not to worry, I shall cheer him up with a cup of Earl Grey tea and a Cadbury's Finger.
Lady1: Oh? I never knew he liked you to stick a finger up his arse as he shoots his load.

by Big load June 22, 2006

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