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getting called out

Sarcastic reference to one poster on a message board grandstanding and offering to fight another poster in real life. Harkens back to bad high school days.

Dude 1: You don't like my political views? I'm going to drive up there and kick your ass!

Dude 2: Oh yeah, he totally called him out.
Dude3: Will he do this before or after home ec?

by madgrad January 25, 2003

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6 way call-out

when someone called out using the 6 ultimate call-outs consecutively:
1. Killed
2. Raped
3. Eaten
4. Shitted Out
5. Eaten again
6. Puked

"See that pile of shit puke? Yeah, that was Johnny before he got a 6 way call-out."

by Whoopi Goldberg January 31, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

to call someone out

to tell someone (face to face!) they are wrong about something they said, did or should have done;

My father was a quiet family man and wasn't a guy to call someone out. But then came that day when he thought this guy felt my mother's butt! Sweet Jeebus!

by talk2me-JCH2 July 17, 2022

calling them out

1. The act of advising a person/persons (usually of a one way selfish nature) that their actions and/or lack of actions are perceived by the mainstream of society as being douchey. 2. Doing the lords work.....well sort of??!!!

Can you believe how obnoxious and selfish those douchebags are acting? I pray to god someone starts calling them out on it!

by calling them out April 27, 2020

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calling you out

'calling you out' is basically another way of saying 'i want a fight'.

James! I'm calling you out!!

by some1youdontknow May 12, 2016

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in/out calls

a termed generally used by escort services in their ads. Meaning: the escort is able to go "out" to your home or hotel, or she offers her services "in" her home or hotel room she has for the time her services are offered.

Sizzling Blonde Babes. 36-24-36 Guaranteed pleasure. In/Out Calls Avail. 24 hours. 555-5555

by adult sales rep June 22, 2006

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bail out call

A call you set up with your friend to be made after a few minutes on a date, they need you and its an emergency. ..if the date is going well you decline, if the date sucks you have a valid excuse to bail

Thanks for the bail out call, my datewas so boring I needed an excuse to leave

by derkalurk August 5, 2015