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far canal

SFW way of saying "fucking hell"

Far canal, I can't believe you did that!!

by zippit February 18, 2011

canal street

Street in SoHo (lower Manhattan) stretching from the Holland Tunnel to Washington Square Park where many, many street vendors gather to sell an array of things such as fake Rolexs and other watches, fake Gucci, fake Prada, fake Louis Vaton, fake shoes, fake Oakley sunglasses, fake basketball jerseys, lighters, fake jewelry, marijuana smoking paraphanelia, ethnic crafts, drugs, bootleg CDs, bootleg movies, electronic devices, and much more. It is a very fun place to go to if you are visiting the city.

I got my entire wordrobe on canal street.

by deee June 23, 2004

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Earie Canal

When two guys each take their dick and put it in each of one girls ears and then blowing their load causing the semen to meet in the middle or the stronger blast coming out the other

I heard you guys gave emily an earie canal

we sure did i think shes deaf in one ear now

by Captain butter biscuit April 7, 2010

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Canal Pal

A term for homosexual men, refering to "transiting the canal" of the other male.

Just look at Elton John, its obvious he is a canal pal.

by DeJagerBomb November 19, 2004

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poo canal

Often confused with shits creek, the poo canal is any body of water containing 73% fecal matter. In the poo canal you dont even start with a paddle.

Where Sanjay? He's snorkeling down the poo canal.

by Nick Chernish April 24, 2007

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Lady Canal

Slang term for the vagina. The canal in the female that receives the penis during copulation. Usage: capitalize like a place such as Des Moines or Kansas City.

I want to send my love boat into her Lady Canal.

by Lady Canal lover October 3, 2009

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Panera Canal

Eating your Panera bread bowl of soup, biting a face into it, sticking your dick in the mouth, and getting it refilled with soup.

It's been awhile for me, but I'm too dignified to beat my meat, guess I'm going down the Panera Canal tonight.

by Adrenaline guy May 11, 2019