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Close but no cigar

When you come close to something but don't quite get there.

Just short of success

This phrase originated in the 1920's. Fair grounds would give cigars away as prizes. Prizes were more aimed at the adults then vs. children like they are now. The fair workers would shout out "close but no cigar".... The first written documentation of this word appeared in the 1930's and then became a common phrase.

You finish second in a race
A friend asks how you did
You tell them "I finished in second place, close but no cigar"

by BBJ24 June 5, 2015

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Flesh Cigar

A penis.

There was an article in the New York Post that claimed Fidel Castro gave the ol' flesh cigar to 35 000 women.

by SafeHouse October 9, 2010

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Sitting on a cigar

The need to make a bowel movement.

Dude! Stop at the next rest stop. I'm sitting on a cigar.

by Chipf70 February 5, 2012

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Cigar Farts

Noun: used to define extremely bad gas one encounters after a night of drinking and smoking cigars.

John: "Man, the case of Budweiser was bad, but I shouldn't have had that second Arturo Fuente last night, I really stunk up the house with my Cigar Farts this morning."

Mike: "John had a bad case of the Cigar Farts this morning. Must have been another night of Bud Heavy and heaters on the rooftop deck last night".

by Arturo Fuente December 19, 2011

Clinton Cigar

An act in which involves putting a cigar, cigarette, cigarillo, joint, etc. in a woman's vagina.

Mr. Clinton: Huh Huh, put it in there.
Ms. Lewinsky: You mean the Clinton cigar?

by hardlimpbizkit July 15, 2012

Greasy Cigar

3 KFC Chips wrapped in KFC Chicken skin preferably from a keel or a breast piece. Dunked in KFC Chicken gravy.

The Greasy Cigar is quite simply the greatest tasting fast food delight you can ever imagine. FACT

by Lee Founder of the Big GC February 23, 2011

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Raspberry Cigar

The act of cumming on a womans yeast infected bloody tampon.

Yo John, I gave your mom a raspberry cigar last night. I fucked her in the ass when she was on her period and she had a yeast infection. Right before I came I tore out her tampon and shot my load all over it!

by Monsignor Frank P. July 13, 2014