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Co-op of Hipsters

The collective noun used to describe a group of hipsters.

When more than 2 or more hipsters gather together, often to listen to vintage records or to play SNES, transcending those inferior to themselves, and enter an almost ethereal, other worldly state of existence.

"Tony walked into the plaid shirt store and noted the co-op of hipsters in the corner, they regarded him with a transcendant arrogance, not uncommon from their kind."

by Dr. Ick February 15, 2017


A cooperative organization that unifies students and businesses alike. This term can also be referred to as a multiplayer gaming option where multiple users work together for the greater good.

Let's go to the Co-Op to work on our team-building skills.

by leroyjangles December 4, 2019


Best shop in england, had my first shag there

Been to co-op lately? fuck me lucky you

by Big C The First October 13, 2021