Source Code

Kalbassa (Cold Cut), Kalbasitsya

A phrase, originally invented in Israel by russian public. One may use this phrase when he discribes his feeling about
something. Also may used as describing
of Joy.

*MIKE gives DANNY a drug*

Danny: Hey Mike how is the drug?
Mike: Kalbassa!

by ^indica^ March 18, 2005

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

cold cut cosby carl combo

a Cold Carl, whilst getting a Cosby sweater. you can receive them in any order, and you can get or give them. and can be received with or with out cheese.

"dude she was a freak!"
"she gave me a Cold Cut Cosby Carl Combo!"
"omg no!"

by Pimp'o'hot carls April 17, 2010

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cold cutting

the process of getting take away drinks from a coffee shop and then sitting at outside tables or on the pavement in the middle of winter to avoid paying the ridiculously high VAT rate in the UK.

Guy 1: mate i really want a coffee but im like 20p short
Guy 2: thats cool man we can just do some cold cutting at starbucks
Guy 1: but its so cold!

by .brownie February 14, 2011

Cold cut crackhead

People who act like crackheads , for cold cuts . Willing to stand in long deli line for an hour for a pound of ham .

Omg , look at all these cold cut crackheads on line . It’s so nice out and they Are waiting for ham .

by BigBuffarillaAss September 21, 2022