Source Code


Biden family.

The Biden family is the most corrupt in American history.

by Pichulon July 11, 2022

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corruption of champions

A weird adult turn based rpg developed in flash that involves an adventurer facing against many weird fetishes. Made by Fenoxo.

I've played through corruption of champions and I gotta say I 've been raped by demons, goblins, cow men, dog morphs, tentacles, spider people, harpies, statues, sharks, slimes, foxes, lizards, witches, bugs, and tigers in one play through.

by Sir Napkin the Werewolf December 10, 2013

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corruption kink

When you find hot the idea of β€œcorrupting” someone, mostly in a sexual way, like taking virginities or introducing people to stuff like bdsm etc. It’s the idea of having someone β€œpure” do β€œbad” things under your influence.

-Daryl definitely has a corruption kink
-he hooks up only with virgin girls

by Aethea December 24, 2021

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the corrupted strike

literally the worst fucking strike in Destiny 2

Player 1: Bro, its the corrupted strike. It fucking sucks

Player 2: Bro, I fucking know, its literally the worst strike in the game

by Fuck The Corrupted July 22, 2020

corrupted blood

The funniest thing to ever happen to WoW (see WoW)

level 60: Hey, i'll defeat this monster, get corrupted blood, then run into the nearest village infecting everybody!
12 year olds screaming: OMG WTF WHO AER HACKING!?!11

by IXVelocity October 23, 2005

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DJ corruption

When stupid DJ's shout their names over songs and ruin them; taking a song's potential away for the sake of hearing their own voice on the track.

I'm so sick of this DJ corruption on hot singles. If they want to get props for the song just give yourself a shout out in a separate track before or after the song.

by ayowassup February 20, 2006

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Corrupt A Wish

a forum game people play on various forums, where one person makes a wish, then the next poster corrupts the wish by saying what bad thing comes out of the wish. then makes a wish themself.

I wish there was a definition for "corrupt a wish"

Granted, but it's in Japanese

by 50% Cat July 24, 2011

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