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room crawl

Noun. A smaller scale version of a bar crawl, in which people move through a building consuming one drink in each room. In a well-organised room crawl, each room will have a theme, with appropriate decorations, music and choice of drinks.

"Went to Dave's house for a room crawl last night"
"Sweet, how was it?"
"Awesome! I was bladdered before we even made it to the third floor"

by Yorkiebar May 26, 2008

pub crawl

British slang. A pub crawl is where a group of people will try to visit as many pubs as possible in one night, having a set number of alcoholic beverages in each.

The most famous pub crawl is over the christmas holiday. The objective is to have one pint in each of 27 pubs that are nearest to each station on the distinctly beer-bottle shaped circuit.

by Gumba Gumba February 25, 2004

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Crawling back

To admit to someone you were wrong and apologize and blah blah.. basically kiss their ass until they forgive you.

"My ex tried to come crawling back to me last night... whatever!"

by nooneactuallycares May 16, 2018

24๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

skin crawl

when your skin tingles due to something disturbing .

that was so nasty it made my skin crawl.

by jlabinc March 1, 2016

hall crawl

A hall crawl is a drinking contest in which several teams are made to go to different rooms all along a hallway, each room dedicated to a different kind of liquor. The hall crawl is so named because by the end of the competition most of the participants are so inebriated that they are incapable of walking, and must crawl down the hall to the next room. Hall crawls are a frequent fraternity occurrence.

"Dude, did you go the Beta hall crawl last night?"
"No, what happened?"
"Brandon couldn't tell where he was going and crawled off the balcony. He only made it through three rooms, though, so we left him there until we finished."
"...That's fucked up."

by Omusubi February 28, 2006

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Veasey Crawl

Derived from the Veasey dormitory at Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas. Ceilings in Veasey are considerably lower than the rest of the ceilings on campus and the beds are tall, so the residents of Veasey Hall would have to crawl over their partners a certain way to engage in sexual intercourse. It has now become a staple in the Veasey dance at the highly publicized event, Shirttails. In this event, the freshmen of each dorm are to prepare a choreographed dance and perform it for a trophy. While the Veasey Crawl often results in elimination because of the background of the dance, Veasey continues to use it each year in their performances. Their most recent win of Shirttails was in 2009.

Guy 1: Did you hit that, bro?
Guy 2: Ay, I had that bitch doing the Veasey Crawl all night long.


Girl 1: I can't wait for Shirttails tonight! Martin is gonna kill!
Girl 2: I know, right? And I better see the Veasey Crawl!

by skeletallamping September 10, 2009

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Reno Crawl

1) Obese women who get tired while having sexual intercourse in the position of 'cow girl' by leaning back and grabbing the bed to use her arms to support her tiring body

2) The term 'Reno Crawl' originates after drunk ugly girls who rank a '6' on the 1-10 Hot-o-meter, assume they are a 10 and get fucked by male tourist from California during the annual "Santa Crawl" in Reno, Nevada

Trevor immediately fell asleep after the hooker Reno Crawled on his sheets.

Mike's drunk goggles disappeared once he noticed his one night stand Reno Crawling and immediately left the room.

by aammssoobb January 3, 2010

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