Source Code

op crutch

A Valorant player who relies on the operator for kills.

DamnWolfGames is always an op crutch in games

by Flame4880 August 16, 2022

Emotional Crutch

A substance, object, or individual providing temporary comfort and support in times of turmoil and duress.

|"Yeah, man. When I've had a hard day at work, Jack Daniels is *totally* my emotional crutch."

by House on a Lake October 25, 2009

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Beer Crutch

1. The act of chugging natty beer and then duct taping another full can to the top of your "crutch" to evenutally create a stack of empty beer cans. Your stack of empties will eventually be your crutch as you walk home wasted. If you finish so many beers that your crutch is taller than you then you must duct tape it to the outside of the home/apt that you are drinking at and pass out there.

Did you see Luke's beer crutch? That shit was so frat.

"Hey how is your beer crutch coming? "
"It's coming, I am 2 beers away from passing out at the blue house tonight."

by phisigalki May 12, 2010

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Crutch Shot

Appertaining to the female of the species applying deodorizing products in the general region of her lady garden.

(Feck me Clare, that's a blast under each arm pit and one for the crutch shot..no wonder you get through so much deodorant!!!

by ohnoes112 November 11, 2013

pussy crutches

What a girl requires when she is fornicated so hard her pussy is too sore to allow her to walk properly.

Daniel: That girl is so hot. I'd fuck her so hard she'd be in pussy crutches.

by beakasdf July 25, 2010

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Communication Crutch

#1. A tool used, often in the form of an emoticon or acronym, that is relied upon to make a point or convey an emotion that the writer or speaker cannot do with their limited vocabulary.

#2: The use of acronyms like BRB, ROFL, OMG and WTF in spoken conversation as opposed to actually laughing, showing disbelief etc.

#3: A word, phrase or acronym that is so ingrained in someone's head, that they use without thinking if it's appropriate or even makes any sense at all.

Example of #1: She uses xD as a communication crutch because she isn't actually funny enough to make me laugh with only her words. She has to add that otherwise we wouldn't know it was a joke.

Example of #2: A person who uses 'ROFL' when speaking to them instead of actually laughing. This is a communication crutch because they either don't get the joke, don't know how to laugh or are just condescending assholes.

Example of #3: "I'm pretty sad, my grandma just died"
"That sucks lol"
"Why are you laughing about my grandma dying?"
"Sorry about that lol"
No matter what you say, this person has the communication crutch 'lol' and will automatically type it in every response.

by shoujoboy April 4, 2011

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Dumpster Crutch

When a bum bends you over his dumpster and screws you in the butt often resulting in bruised armpits.

I went to throw out the trash and some stupid bum gave me the dumpster crutch. I'm pretty sore.

by DumpsterBum February 25, 2016