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The Great Disgrace

When one is not phased by social regularity and is content with being in situations deemed disgraceful, such as whilst tripping balls and playing with a stick for hours. In the modern world such actions would be considered disgraceful.

The key point behind being a disgrace is that your having the most fun by not conforming to society's ideals of consumerism and greed.

Note: To be a true disgrace one must not be in or do anything life threatening, instead must be sill and daft at all times.

Person 1 - "why is that guy dancing in the rain with only his underpants on?"
Person 2 - "because he is the great disgrace"
other examples include
"jimbo you are the great disgrace"

"hes the amount of disgrace"
"hes become the great disgrace"

when you've taken to many drugs - "look at the colours!..oh im such a disgrace"

by disssgrraccee July 27, 2012

wwf disgrace

WWF disgrace is a sexual manuver in which the man is standing while having intercourse with a woman while she lies on her back on a bed. Prior to ejaculaiton he picks her up and slams her back down onto the mattress. The momentum of the slam onto the mattress causes her to bounce back up. At this point the man headbutts her causing her to lose consciousness. The man may then ejaculate where ever he sees fit, most often her face.

Ryan gave that chick the WWF disgrace last night. When she came to, he told her to make him a sandwich.

by Trebb November 27, 2007

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digital disgrace

Digital disgrace is wasting your time behind your pc or tv.
Internet addicts know they want to go to sleap but they stay another 2 hours playing games or look for crap on the net!

Aaron: What is Kenny doing these days?

Tom: He's stuck behind his screens!

Aaron: That's digital disgrace!

by Engiebenjybelgium April 19, 2009

Hummingbird's Disgrace

Hummingbird's Disgrace is a popular indie movie straight from that silly Indianapolis town. Directed by the unstoppable force of Jones and Jordan, Hummingbird's Disgrace, often referred to as HBD, combines dramatic stories with fiery, gassy wit and humor that will make your mind explode a little. Until now, it was word of mouth that made this movie a midwestern legend. Soon, it will be released in theaters across the nation. A sequel is already in the works for all you hardcore HBD fans out there. Your sustenance is coming.

"Hey, man, have you seen Hummingbird's Disgrace? It's tiiite and exceptionally gassy."

by Sara Jones September 27, 2006

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Hummingbird's Disgrace

Hummingbird's Disgrace is a popular indie movie straight from that silly Indianapolis town. Directed by the unstoppable force of Jones and Jordan, Hummingbird's Disgrace, often referred to as HBD, combines dramatic stories with fiery, gassy wit and humor that will make your mind explode a little. Until now, it was word of mouth that made this movie a midwestern legend. Soon, it will be released in theaters across the nation. A sequel is already in the works for all you hardcore HBD fans out there. Your sustenance is coming.

"Hey, man, have you seen Hummingbird's Disgrace? It's tiiite."

by SweetTangerine23 September 11, 2006

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disgracing oneself

v. to acknowledge the shame of masturbation by crying during or afterwards

Jody found Jacob curled up in a ball in the corner of the shower with what could have only been tears on his face, big sticky white tears, and thought,"He must have been disgracing hisself," and giggled.

by Jupiter Armstrong April 18, 2004

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Daily Liberal Disgrace

Every day the Liberals do something disgraceful to undermine this great country. The liberal idiocy newsworthy story of the day.

Today's Daily Liberal Disgrace is finding out there will be Offices of Gender and Race Management in the Financial Reform Bill

by Personal Responsibility July 8, 2010

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