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dating with documentation

When a man loves a woman so much it forces her to get a restraining order.

Darrell is in a dating with documentation relationship with Nicole.

by Big Deal69 March 2, 2017

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'Look at the documentation!'

when someone gets annoyed by ignorant souls when they ask stupid or too many questions

dumb brains: hey, can you help us w/ matlab?
superior being: 'Look at the documentation!'

by pippa22 April 6, 2019

Passing documents

When a younger man is acting all james bond with an older married lady. Passing documents is the term given to their clandestine trysts

Wheres Jay at tonight lads, hes off 'passing documents' to Joan

by El Wez April 7, 2018

document dad

the equivalent of a snack dad but for documents; a document dad always has the passports and tickets handy on family vacations

I couldn't find my passport - thank god I have a document dad!

by doris and boris November 16, 2019

Taylored Document

Whereby a letter / email / form of correspondence, manufactured or seriously edited in order to gain political advantage and/or create outrage, is found out to be untrue.

The judge rejected the tendered evidence as it was clearly a taylored document.

by Baron von Klar January 28, 2020

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Document Leaker

A document leaker is a person who thinks infiltrating into a server stealing the documents that show what their job does on a game, and then pasting it all over the discord server is cool.

Hi, I'm a Document Leaker take some of these documents to enjoy! Insert Google Document Page Here

by cotooth September 23, 2020

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document window

A window that opens to a specific document.

That document window should be rather self explanatory.

by Hercolena Oliver August 29, 2008

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