Source Code

Don't Even @ Me

Do not even include me into whatever you are talking about whether it's in Social Media or in word of mouth if not we'll have beef.

Kevin: Hey Tony is a moron

Tony: Boy don't even @ me

by Amemeonifunny October 12, 2018

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don't even trip

Don't act like you don't understand.

Don't think for a minute that I'm going to believe you don't know the truth about the situation.

Girl, don't even trip. That man is not going to call you.

No, you can't use my credit card. Don't even trip.

by Pam December 1, 2003

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don't even trip

trip joke,joking,messing,kidding,playing

Dan:I just saw your girl with another guy at the mall!!
Kurt: Don't even trip! ..You're trippin right?

by Kelse November 30, 2003

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don't even trip

1. Used to tell someone not to jack them around or lie to them and/or make excuses.
2. In reference to a "drug" in question that someone has led someone else to believe gets you really high but the user knows from experience that it doesn't.

1. Don't even trip foo. I saw yo ass yesterday fuckin around wit my hoes.
2. What the fuck do you sniff sharpies fo? That shit don't even trip!

by mandi November 28, 2003

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don't even trip

Don't mess around; Don't lie.

Are you serious? LaQuanda slept with 5 guys last night? Don't even trip cuz I'mma bout to call her.. so if you playing, I'mma beat you.

by Shadae November 30, 2003

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What is this i don't even

When something is so shocking/meaningless/senseless/retarded/random/etc, that you're left absolutely speechless.

Joe: Let's see what's good on /b/ today...
Joe: What is this i don't even

by MugenXS April 7, 2009

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You don't even know

When explaining something, but it would make no sense to anyone else that hears it. So at the end of the story you add YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW.

"We were so high we licked the floor, like.... you don't even know."

by Runnin' This shit. April 25, 2005

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