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Doppelganger effect

A causality exists in which after spending enough time with your best friend you start to dress, look, act, and eventually think the same as each other.

โ€œNotice how those two guys sitting together on the bus have the same sunglasses, rings, haircuts, phone brand, shoes, etc. Thatโ€™s the doppelganger effect. And look in the seats behind them are two girls who dress, tilt their heads and even laugh exactly like each other tooโ€

by mogydee May 26, 2020

television doppelganger

A television character doppelganger. It's said that every one of us has one.

Catherine from CSI is totally her television doppelganger.

by coffee mug June 4, 2005

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Doppelganger Hanger

someone who still keeps a picture of a popular person (actor, athlete, artist, etc) of which they were told they look-alike (or not) as their primary pic in their web profile, 3 weeks or more past Doppelganger Week.

Dude1: "I met this girl online who looks like Beyonce, but when we met in person after 2 weeks of chattung, Dude, I didn't see any trace of Beyonce in her, I don't get it."

Dude2: "Dude, haven't you heard of the Doppelganger Hangers !? They're rampant now. I learned my lesson this week after meeting somebody parading as Jodie Foster online. Just be careful from now on."

by CJ_dBabe February 9, 2010

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facebook animal doppelganger

A person on facebook who uses pictures of animals as their default picture in an attempt to make them selves look more attractive than they really are.

I just met this facebook animal doppelganger at starbucks her fucken dog looks prettier than her. I would rather bang the dog instead of her.

by the pretty ugly hybrid February 10, 2010

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Detroit Doppelganger

The act of two look alike's giving a woman back to back squirting orgasms from a rough DP Session. ( See Double Penetration)

Richard and Ricky both of Detroit, were arrested after hammering Pamela's holes last Friday, reports stated she was completing the Detroit DoppelGanger for the first time!

by DoppledTheDoppel May 31, 2019


Someone who can, quite literally, "use" the authority (or voice) of anyone else other than theirselves (temporarily, at least, but sometimes happens.) due to not being "activated properly" as themselves, as one possibility.

I'm the doppelganger

by TheCockroach August 28, 2023

doppelganger jack

the funniest character in all of borderlands the pre sequel, matched only by his raw might and his desire to go home and not be shot at on the moon (stupid student loans)

Jake: i like FR4g-TR4P
Ryan: shut the fuck up i will fucking laser you with laser eyes
Robert: PaPas gonna shit himself and doppelganger jack is good

by Apieceofchewedgum May 8, 2018