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when ur a bit emo and u try to be a cool and u don't take anything at face value and make everything deeper than it actually is. the kidna cunts that would walk into a shop carrying an anime sword bc it's 'cool'

"That kid is so edgy, it's cringey"

by Hannah4everever April 2, 2016

16๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone is edgy they are cooler than cool. They don't try and be that way they just are. Try-hard people aren't edgy.

"Cory Kennedy is so EDGY!"

in french:

"Cory Kennedy c'est tres AGEE"

edgy can be applied to people such as: Cory Kennedy(obv), Willa Holland, Peaches, Pixie, Kate Moss, Robert Pattinson, Ed Westwick etc.

by edgyedge September 8, 2009

81๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž


when phony teenagers pretend they are depressed and cut themselves and shit, while the people who are actually suffering stand in disbeleif about how we are actully cool now, then we realize they dont give a fuck about us and they compete for attention until everybody thinks that they are such a good person for getting through their fake depression and he cums in his pants because of all the attention hes getting, all the while the people actually struggling are slowly blowing our brains out one by one.

then, they come back to the few of us that have still yet to end it, and act like they know what we've been through.

another definition could be:

tyler over there is so edgy, he listens to xxxtentacion and suicide boys sometimes. hes so cool

no hes not hes a fucking lying cunt fuckmonkey

by the official coprapheliac March 11, 2019

9๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word to describe a teenager who thinks they are way cooler than they already are. This usually results in the teenager trying way too hard to be cool.

Synonyms- loser
Antonyms- respectable

Why am I drinking a vegan coffee in front of my mac computer, while listening to alternative music you ask? Because I'm EDGY!

by whatanedgyloser December 17, 2016

11๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


an "insult" used by a bunch of low life retards in generation z that are scared of the opinions of extremists, right wingers, trolls on the internet who make edits out of school shooters, ect.

"edgy" is used as an insult towards anybody who either has extremist ideolgies that are expressed on the internet or usually anything involved with death.

people who use this insult are commonly mentally challenged and failures of natural selection

that guy is so edgy since he likes school shootings.

by realmarkpeterson November 2, 2022

16๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


flatbush Zombies

cool Guy: flatbush Zombies is so edgy
nerd: No is isnt

by Karl son September 29, 2021


a lad who is good at soccer. Also known as: Ed die, Edgini, Eduardo

edgy is an adlay who backs up the shank

by Arrancioni November 25, 2020