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Dirty Eskimo Kiss

The male or gay equivilent of scissor kissing for women or lesbians.

I have lost my zest for life after catching Bryan and Chris Dirty Eskimo Kissing.

by Whoredo September 26, 2007

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French Eskimo Kiss

When one rubs the tip of their nose all over the face of their significant other, usually as a joke after/whilst eskimo kissing.

I was being cute and giving her an eskimo kiss, but I ruined the moment in the name of humor when I gave her a French Eskimo Kiss

by kayrunk November 27, 2012

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Dirty Eskimo Kiss (DEK)

Verb, To eskimo kiss some ones anus, rectum, asshole, etc.
The action of using your nose to rub another persons anus for stimulation.

Rene: "Dude why is that guy making that face over there?"
Dom: "Because silly Rene, He is Getting a Dirty Eskimo Kiss (DEK) from the man behind him!"
Rene: "Oh man am I silly!"

by Officer Ron Mcnasty July 29, 2011

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Eskimo kiss my ass

The act of sticking your nose between someone's ass cheeks and eskimo kissing their asshole.

Hey, you can eskimo kiss my ass!

by Will and Thera February 22, 2008

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Eskimo Kiss

When you're so deep in her pussy that your nose is rubbing her cervix.

Jimbo lost both of his ears when he wouldn't let up on an Eskimo Kiss.

by Jeebooski December 18, 2021

Eskimo kiss

The act of rubbing your nose on a penis that is so small like a belly button , like eskimos

Hey Gary, pull down your pants so I can give you an Eskimo kiss

by live2color April 11, 2022

Viking Eskimo kiss

When two dudes rub beards together.

Frank and Scott rub beards together as eskimos would, but it’s 2021 so Viking Eskimo kisses r a thing

by Viking Eskimo kisses November 4, 2021