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Having properties like a euphemism, using language that can be associated to euphemisms.

I feel like the book took a more euphemismic approach to explaining the sexual misconduct the young boy had during his promiscuous appetite .

by snowjunky555 February 24, 2010

1👍 3👎


Language I am good at using when inventing words here on urbandictionary.com

Do not be afraid to use euphemisms when you want to use vivid language to get yourself understood

by Sexydimma July 24, 2021


"The West"

Hym "It's a euphemism for 'How things work currently.' It works for establishments conservatives (all conservatives) just fine and it works less well for people who aren't incest cultists. It works for establishment liberals (like Destiny) but 'MY friend wants to be chicks with dicks and it doesn't work for her' and it works TOO WELL for the conservatives for their liking. This is their real motivation. It isn't perpetually at risk of being destroyed. It isn't racist. It's either working fine for you or it's not. And the only reason any what's control of it is so that they can people the one who decide who it works for and how it doesn't. You have no principles. You're not moral. You are what you are."

by Hym Iam August 24, 2024


(noun) a euphemism for lies or propaganda

Structural adjustment is a euphemism for a limited state designed to service the market and undermine popular mandates.

by flexicographer April 13, 2021