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AP Euro

---The very definition of Hell. You will go insane by the end of the year after reading boring walls of text and memorizing what happened in some random ass date like 1666, June 6.

---If you look in the index of an Ap Euro textbook for the word “war”, it will go on for 10 pages. You will have to know insignificant facts such as what the fuck is some-nonvital-guy-who-does-something-like-mop-the-Cistine-Chapel-floor’s hair color and have the shitty realization that some-important-guy-who changed-the-very-history-of-Europe won’t even be on the test anywhere. You will be forced to know the difference between Prince Edward Cuntlicker of Twattington XIXXVI; of the 2nd branch of the Fuckmylife family and Edwerd Nopeshit of Nopesville XXIXIV; of the 5th branch of the Putmeoutofmymisery dynasty.

---AP Euro will suck your fun and free time into its endless void of despair and frustration. You will have a mental breakdown before AND after every test, and cry when you look at the first question because you know you’re screwed for the rest.

---Your very nightmares will be filled with AP Euro. You will develop a phobia of AP Euro. You will feel the urge to burn all your homework and notes after graduating the class (if you even can): laughing maniacally into the sunset with the satisfaction of never seeing it again in your life…only to curl into a fetal position and crap yourself when you find out about AP US history. But hey, Harvard’s worth it….right?

“I aced AP Euro with an A+, but I’m sure my tendency to become a sadistic serial killer skyrocketed.”

“I’ve broken every friendship I’ve ever had and dumped my Gf to actually do decently in AP Euro. I even have weekend homework. Goodbye childhood.”

"AP Euro is love, AP Euro is life. Lol jk sarcasm guise-wait dont grab that shotgun!"

"You will never know the bliss of sleep ever again with AP Euro! You’ll either have to go through school sleep deprived or drink 17 cups of coffee a day. It's great! *Eye twitches*"

“Ima graduate high school with a 5.0 from classes like AP Euro to enter Harvard but afterwards have no idea what to do and companies will pay me the same amount as a high school dropout gets in my job.”

“I have a test for AP Euro tomorrow.” *Punches self in face for 2 hours*

"I failed the finals...WHY?!? *Mass murders then commits suicide*"

"Why do we have to learn the difference between these two pricks? They’re literally father and son and did basically the same thing!"

by InsensitivePrick September 24, 2014

60👍 5👎

Euro Beaners

People from Spain. More lazy and less skilled in yard work and construction than US beaners. They also speak Spanish at 5000 words a minute.

When do beaners become euro beaners?

When they date your daughter.

by T Macalicious April 24, 2014

Euro Cock

Most of the male population in Europe has an uncircumcised penis.

Since Joe and George are from London, there’s a good chance they have a Euro Cock

by Long Driver August 26, 2020

Euro step

A two-step maneuver in basketball made famous by Randal Z

Randal's euro step around Ernie was so dope that he rolled an ankle trying to get back on defense.

by Randal the great April 22, 2017

31👍 3👎


1) White people lving in America

Teacher: Please choose White, Hispanic, African-American, or Other
Teacher: Sujet! Why did you choose "Other" you are white!
Me: I am Euro-American, please respect my Heritage!

by Sujet April 26, 2005

52👍 8👎

classic euro

A more less common term for Eurodance music, which is 90's Dance music. Classic Euro is the term which is commonly used in the toronto area, but Eurodance is more known "world wide"

Classic Euro has just about most of the time a Female vocalist and a Male Rapper. It has catchy beats, and it upbeat.

names for classic euro - euro, eurodance, hi-rng, 90s dance , dance, some people call it gino beats

radio stadions such as Z103.5 play some of these amazing euro bombs lol and clubs like club menage on wednesady nights (live to air on z103.5 from 10pm to 1am)

Great classic euro artists

1. masterboy
2. fun factory
3. emjay
4. real mccoy
5. first base
6. unlimited nation
7. dj bobo
8. darkness
9. ice mc
10. lil suzy

Great Classic Euro songs you should listen to , its amazing lol

1. loft - mallorca
2. real mccoy - runaway
3. fun factory - take your chance
4. 2am - celebrate
5. e-type - life
6. unlimited nation - move your body
7. first base - can you keep a secret
8. la bouche - be my lover
9. dr. alban - let the beat go on
10. real mccoy - another night
11. fun factory - close to you

by dieselina ginaa August 14, 2006

48👍 7👎

Euro Trash

A person, male or female, from Continental Europe who spends most of the time partying and jet-setting around the globe in the most conspicuous (sometimes rude) manner to seek fun and sunshine. Often seen sporting fashion from designer hoses like Versace and Dolce & Gabanna with bold colors and animal prints. Too tanned and always adorned with excessive 18 K gold jewelry and sunglasses. Far from subtle and often newly rich. Eats caviar and drinks champagne like water just because they're expensive while having no idea or appreciation whatsoever.

If you want to see a bunch of Euro Trash, Try Hotel du Cap's poolside during July.

by 1A May 5, 2008

293👍 63👎