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Illuminati example

Some people think that when someone is killed on tv, that people are trying to make an example of what they can keep getting away with, even if everyone can see it. That's power to be able to kill right in front of everybody and nothing happens to you.

The death of george floyd was an illuminating event for some, even if they had seen something like it before. White people do get killed in videos, but you dont see them getting killed by cops, usually you see contractors getting heads cut off and shit like that. Death is a lot like cinema or the box office, you have people who are in the business of death videos, and they know people never get enough trauma. Some people thought of it as an illuminati example.

by Solid Mantis May 30, 2020

Example Woman

A woman that other women should look up to as an example of how to live and act. Women who have morals and don't fall for the woke leftist agendas that the colleges try to force down their throats. An example woman can also teach said morals to other women.

A woman outlined in Proverbs 31 is an Example Woman.

by crudmonkey March 8, 2023

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pet example

One singular instance of something that people use in an attempt at an open-and-shut case (similar to anecdotal fallacy).

A: Jeanne Calment, the oldest person to ever live, smoked cigarettes regularly; therefore, smoking isn't bad for you.
B: Well shit, your pet example totally debunks the fact that 480,000 people die from smoking every year in the U.S. alone.

by AbnormalJay August 25, 2020

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Uneducated Example of Intelligence

A phase used by English MC Lady Sovereign to describe herself. One of many catchy self descritive phrases used by Sov. It is refering to the fact that she didn't finish school but shown an intelligence besides Math, History (all that school shit). She has used the phrase in the songs Public Warning and So Human and writen on one of her signature custom slogan T-shirts. A more well-known one is "The biggest midget in the game." That's been used in Many songs and also on a T-shirt. Personally I think Sov Rox!!!!!

Ladys and gentlemen this ain't no experiment it's the uneducated example of intelligence, my irrelevence means more then your irrelevence has ever did. It's evident there's evidence that I am bloody excellent.-Lady Sovereign (Public Warning song)

by S.O.V fan 4 life June 10, 2009

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That example was already submitted for...

The lip that UrbanDictionary.com gives you when you resubmit your daffynition after you discover a typo and cancel it.

That example was already submitted for Make Love Not Spam.

by Downstrike December 1, 2004

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Horror story example

The Curse of the Squidgy Gun
A Horror Story
by H uman

Whilst investigating the death of a local nurse, a brave swordsman called Elizabeth Barker uncovers a legend about a supernaturally-cursed, squidgy gun circulating throughout Kent. As soon as anyone uses the gun, he or she has exactly 80 days left to live.

The doomed few appear to be ordinary people during day to day life, but when photographed, they look translucent. A marked person feels like a solid tortoise to touch.

Elizabeth gets hold of the gun, refusing to believe the superstition. A collage of images flash into her mind: a slimy puppy balancing on a cold nurse, an old newspaper headline about a golfing accident, a hooded aardvark ranting about ankles and a drinking well located in a grand place.

When Elizabeth notices her thighs have tortoise-like properties, she realises that the curse of the squidgy gun is true and calls in her granddaughter, a police officer called Mavis McCallister, to help.

Mavis examines the gun and willingly submits herself to the curse. She finds that the same visions flash before his eyes. She finds the slimy puppy balancing on a cold nurse particularly chilling. She joins the queue for a supernatural death.

Elizabeth and Mavis pursue a quest to uncover the meaning of the visions, starting with a search for the hooded aardvark. Will they be able to stop the curse before their time is up?

Thank you for reading my horror story example

by H uman January 7, 2022

anatomy class example

n. a student who strips down by instruction from their teacher, and then uses that student as an example for the rest of the anatomy class

"What's up, broseph?"

"Awesome news! I was the anatomy class example!"

"How is that awesome news?"

"I fucked Mrs. Rudd after class!"

by KP123KP September 18, 2011

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