Source Code

well excuse me thunderfuck

well excuse me thunderfuck, can be used as a rare insult, it’ll shock whoever you’re insulting, that’s how rare it’s used. (get it??? shock?? srry, i love a good pun.)

random man in his parents basement: sTaR wArS tHe LaSt JeDi IsN’t StAr WaRs

person reply to said man: well excuse me thunderfuck,,,, but why did it air in theaters if it wAsN’t sTaR wArS ??

by wheatleydidntdeserve October 18, 2019

Excuse me, while I kiss the sky

A lyric/quote from Jimi Hendrix's popular song, Purple haze. What it means? That he was high. Not just him, universally too.

"Excuse me, while I kiss the sky."

PURPLE HAZE lyrics, from the album 'Are You Experienced?' (released in the UK on May 12, 1967)

Purple haze all in my brain
Lately things don't seem the same
Actin' funny but I don't know why
'Scuse me while I kiss the sky

Purple haze all around
Don't know if I'm comin' up or down
Am I happy or in misery?
Whatever it is, that girl put a spell on me

Help me
Help me
Oh I don't know

Purple haze was all in my eyes
Don't know if it's day or night
You've got me blowin', blowin' my mind
Is it tomorrow or just the end of time?

Who knows?
Help me
Come on now
Tell me
Tell me


by lobster00 September 17, 2006

409👍 78👎

Excuse me while I kiss this guy

the misherad lyrics (sometimes sung on purpose) by Jimi Hendrix. The actual words are scuse me while i kiss the sky. now this phrase is the same as a mondegreen or buffalax

Excuse me while I kiss this guy

" 'kiss this guy' syndrome is a disorder believed to be the cuase of misheard song lyrics" "kiss this guy" syndrome

by hahaok May 26, 2009

29👍 4👎

excuse me, could you please leave

A reference to what Tyler Joseph once said in an interview while asked about his voice.

He was asked why his voice was deep in some songs but not in others and he explained he didn't like the sound of his voice; it was too high. He then gave an example to if he were to have a wife and children and someone were to break in and he'd yell but his voice would not be very intimidating.

"From the top of the steps I'm just gonna be like, excuse me, could you please leave? Nothing very intimidating about it'

by whyamisoinlovewith2dcharacters March 14, 2021

Excuse me but my cock is in your mouth

To silence someone instantly by shoving your dick in their mouth.

Girl: I was like No! IM going out with Tom and she was like NO I AM and so I was like nu uh I am and she was like no way I am and I was like-
Guy: Excuse me but my cock is in your mouth
Girl: What?-urghlughg!

by Jake Broholm April 6, 2010

34👍 14👎

excuse me, but i have to go to the pissa

a phrase used when you need to go to the bathroom, such as when making natural pee; best used in a typical, generic, angry Ms. Hasz British accent.

Excuse me, but I have to go to the pissa.

by El_Scorcho August 28, 2003

13👍 5👎

Excuse Me While I Kiss This Guy

A humorous misheard song lyric in the song "Purple Haze." The actual lane is "Excuse me while I kiss the sky."

Today, it is used as an umbrella term for misheard lyrics in various songs.

Fun Fact: Sometimes, when Jimi Hendrix performed this song, he would actually say "Excuse Me While I Kiss This Guy" to screw with the audience.

by Someone who kinda exists February 13, 2022