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mp's expenses

Using someone else's money to pay for a luxury item you would not possibly dream of paying for yourself.

Hazel "I really want to get some antique doorknobs for the faux medievil drawbridge over our moat"

Geoff "No problem honey, we'll stick it on the mp's expenses, Gordon bought a helicoptor last week"

Hazel "Spiffing!"

by Barry Kabama May 15, 2009

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expensive urine

The major result obtained pursuant to the consumption of just about every libido-boosting, life-prolonging, vitality-enhancing magical pill force advertised to ignorant consumers everywhere.

Cost me five-hundred bucks for a three months supply of PeNiS-max--all it did was give me expensive urine, and it stunk too...

by YAWA February 3, 2019

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really expensive

Pretty much just defined for the lulz over the t-shirts and mugs quote above.

"Did you make a selection from the mini-bar in your room?"
"No, everything's really expensive, like those t-shirts and mugs over at Urban Dictionary

by likethewind1 June 19, 2010

expensive shit

when U eat sometin good, delicious, expensive even shit. F U like it and yo wanna keep it as long as possible N ur ass.
you have to call it expensive shit.

knocking da bathroom door
me: WTF who knockin da fuckin door
my gf: yo nigga dats me
me:wat up wid ya?
her: wat cha doin?
me:I throwin my expensive shit
I throwin down $270.59 N da toilet
she said: ga da fuck uraher, yo throwin muh money dat I paid 4 da dinna mothafuckah

by gangsta niggaz January 19, 2011

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prohibitively expensive

something which costs so much it would prevent most people from being able to do or purchase it.

I was going to go on holiday to Italy this year, but with the rate of the pound against the euro it would have been prohibitively expensive

by ploppie db February 16, 2010

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expensive taste

Someone who shows interest in expensive, cost worthy things such as clothes, shoes, cars etc.

Mom: What do you want for Christmas?
Me: I want the OG Jordan 4s, I want a Bape hoodie and V-Lone shirts with a Louis Vuitton Mom: Sheesh Mom: Boy, you know you have expensive taste!!

by KING SN00P December 13, 2016

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expensive pussy

A pussy that swallows money, dresses well, is very costly, especially for gentlemen. Only wizards can tolerate it.

Honey, can you buy me a Swarowski.
Why not, I will take your cock in for 10 seconds!
Damn this expensive pussy!

by Tzotzko from Filipovtzi February 2, 2020

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