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Experimental Anthrax Vaccine

No Soldiers actually got Anthrax. But they did suffer from, debilitating stomach cramps, severe diarrhea, memory loss, partial facial~paralysis, temporary blindness, drooling, bleeding gums, erectile dysfunction, uncontrollable flatulence. The soldiers nicknamed this the "KANE MADNESS"

!!DISCLAMER!!! (fictional illness from 2001 movie Evolution)

The soldiers inoculated with an experimental Anthrax Vaccine suffered from the "Kane Madness"

by Sole Survivor July 12, 2018

experimental hip hop

A sub genre of hip-hop. Also known as alternative hip-hop It heavily revolves around the use of unconventional samples and or sounds that are not usually used in more mainstream hip-hop artists or groups, therefore it stays primarily in the underground hip-hop scene

some notable artists in this genre are (Madlib, Mf doom, Flying Lotus, Tyler the creator, etc.)

I spend most of my weekend listening to experimental hip hop.

by Kourtisy100 August 28, 2014

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Experimental Secret Couple

A partnership between two people generally from the constraints of upper-middle class society who secretly conduct social experiments on their peers in an act of rebellion.

Do you think Jenn and Ruth are an Experimental Secret Couple? They got all the seniors to hate anyone with blonde hair in protest of Nazi Germany last week.

Can you believe Karen got everyone to start wearing surgical masks by sending anonymous texts to the popular kids?

by Dolores Haze November 4, 2009

2👍 2👎

The Virgin Essence failed experimentation

basically they wanted to collect every particle of a human female menstrual period cycle to study and analyze the egg that's being discarded through this process but they couldn't ever find a female clean or enough or hygienic enough to work with during these end times...and they look to me for an solution and i had a simple one that i did not offer it and ask them to leave me out of science the study and research of the world around them because its purely can be nonsense and heresy...and its too deep for me to speak on if i wanted to ...i have more important things to worry about instead of an unfertilized rotten egg...just an cliche expression not a true definitive expression because again i have no knowledge of what's going on during this process

do they have to study absolutely everything like that and The Virgin Essence failed experimentation too? they look for a cure in everything but their own shit.

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ June 7, 2022


To try various types of alcohols with your buddies

“I experimented with Becky the other”
“You’re lesbian”
No you fool, we did experimentation with alcohol...”

by Tomato sauce August 4, 2020

Experimental Straight

A straight guy who is curious to how it would feel if he jammed his finger up his ass.

Jack: *Jerking off to some missionary

Jack: *Starts to get re ally curious

Jack: *Jams finger up his ass
Jack: *Smells Finger
Jack: *proceeds to wash hands
Jack: "And that's the story of how I became an experimental straight and not bisexual.

by RamoonAdoo October 29, 2017

experimental philosophy


Peter: Hey John, I'm studying experimental philosophy!

John: That's cool! I studied bullshit too in college!

by Tjizin April 13, 2024